The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Sunday, December 8, 2013


So this year for Thanksgiving we got to go down and visit both of our families :) It was so much fun, we had Thanksgiving dinner with Pat's family on Wednesday and Jen was there with Audrey, Hydee, and Becky, and Ephraim on the way,  and Kim and Jimmy and their new little baby girl Adney (Yay I'm an Aunt again.), and of course Terrance, Conway and Savannah. Then we had Thanksgiving dinner with my family on Thursday with my mom and dad, Nathan and Katie, and grandma. Paige and Jason couldn't come down til Friday night. It was great to see everyone.

Also on Wednesday I wen to breakfast with Elise and Danielle and then went to Zumba that Danielle was teaching. It was sooo good to see them. Love those girls and always will :)
Pat and I did some Black Friday shopping at Walmart/gray Thursday. Every year we save up and then go buy a bunch of DVD's! They are always on a great sale and they provide us with many fun cozy, cuddle-on-the-couch, date nights for the whole rest of the year. There were sooooo many people at Walmart. I do want to say that it was actually quite a pleasant experience though, for all you Black Friday haters out there. :) Everyone was very polite actually and was saying sorry for bumping into other people, and people were handing other people stuff if they couldn't reach it. I was very impressed actually! It made me happy inside :)

We might have a problem :) We will soon need a bigger bookcase. We only bought the ones in the Walmart bags this year.

 Then on Friday morning my mom and I got up early and went into Salt Lake to do some more Black Friday shopping. It is becoming a tradition for us. I loved spending the whole day with my mom going shopping, we had a lot of fun together. And surprisingly the stores weren't near as busy as they had been in other years, we barely had to wait in line for anything. Here's what I like to picture when I think of Black Friday shopping. . . 

Unfortunately I don't really have enough money for it to be quite like that lol. But I did get a lot of my Christmas shopping done wahoo!  
 Missed you this year Paigie!
This was a couple years ago when Mom and I visited Paige in Idaho, ate at this cute place and then went to the mall and did our Christmas shopping in November.
 On Saturday Paige and Jason had gotten here already yay, and Paige, my mom, Katie, and I went into Salt Lake to the Capital for Paige( to Photograph Katie's bridals. It was a perfect day and it was nice and sunny and actually kind of warm. Katie looked gorgeous and it was so much fun to help her get her pictures taken.

Since I can't show one with Katie in it, since Nathan hasn't seen her in her wedding dress yet, here is just a picture of the capital. It looks even more gorgeous when Katie and her beautiful dress are in it. 
 Then we met our men and all went to dinner at Bucca Di Beppa's Italian in Salt Lake. It was delish! And Pat and I went to the Utah State vs. BYU basketball game at the energy solutions arena. Unforunately it wasn't a very good night for the Aggies.

It was so great to spend time with our families, I always wish we could stay longer. But we'll take what we can get. After Pat and I got back, we bought our own 15 pound turkey and made our own Thanksgiving feast so we could enjoy leftovers. 
We had more food than pictured but we were too hungry to wait and take a picture of all of it.
 Pat and I put up our little Christmas tree and had a movie night and sleepover in the Christmas tree room!
Bad picture but oh well.

We've kind of decided to just have a sleepover in the Christmas tree room every night of December since we don't want to move our bed back into our bedroom ha ha

Also I have been sick the past couple of days (boo) and Pat surprised me one day and came home with all of THIS! 
Isn't he a sweetheart? I just love him. I'm sure all the chocolate will make me feel better in no time. 
Yay for the holiday season I love it sooo much and am so grateful for everything that I have. I hope we can all remember to be happier and feel the joy of the Christmas spirit and love and serve others.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Better Together

 So it took me forever and a half, but I have finally created a blog yay!!! I am creating this blog for me and Pat and I am going to call it . . . Better Together.  There are some things in life that just go better together than they could ever could be by themselves: peanut butter and jelly, milk and cookies, fat kids and cake,  and I'm sure you can think of way more than I can while I am typing this. But in the short 3 and 1/2 years that I have been married I want to add husband and wife to that list of things that are better together than they ever could be by themselves. Pat and I have gone through thick and thin, fun and not-so-fun,  and we have had some very trying times in our 3 and 1/2years of marriage, but without a doubt I know that we are better together and that we help each other learn how to be a bit better everyday. I love marriage and how it makes each of us grow.  This blog will mostly be to document mine and Pat's adventures together and to share fun memories with family and friends. But I hope that whoever reads it will enjoy life a little more, smile a little wider, live happier, don't forget to laugh, and love more often.  Be warned that a possibly huge upload of photos from our past 3 years might now be added to this blog, to make up for the blogging that I have been missing out on.
Our wedding day May 15, 2010

At our wedding breakfast

I was imitating Pat not smiling in this one, but I still almost smiled. Thanks to my sis at Paige Photography for taking these pics :)  

Pat makes these faces a lot for cameras

This is on our Honeymoon at Ouray. Where the background pic of this blog was taken :) 

This is also in Ouray, not the most flattering picture but I still like it lol

At a Bee's game

These next pictures are from celebrating our 3 year anniversary on our Caribbean Cruise! It was awesome!

Right before boarding our plane to Florida :)  Bad picture but oh well.

We stayed in a hotel in Florida the first night and brought macaroni and cheese with us to eat to save money ha ha . Totally worth it since we were going to get an endless buffet for the next  7 days.
Our ship: Freedom of the Seas

Mmmmm We had surprise chocolate covered strawberries waiting for us when we got to our room!

Anchors away!

 Our first stop was a private island called CocoCay. We had to take little boats to get to the island.It was gorgeous! And they had a huge, extravagant buffet waiting for us on the island where we could eat whatever we wanted to.

Beautiful CocoCay

That's my man ;)

This place was my happy place. I could've stayed on the sun deck the whole entire time!
I needed to spend a lot of my time here at the track, because we ate buffets everyday, ice cream, snacks, and we ordered lots and lots of room service almost every single night. We ate sooooo much food!

One of our other stops was St. Thomas and we went to a beach called Morningstar Beach. I loved it :) It wasn't crowded at all and it was a little overcast which was good because I was sunburnt already!

I tried to make Pat as short as me, but somehow he still ended up taller! :)

We couldn't go to a beautiful beach and not write in the sand of course

Our last stop was St. Maarten and it was rainy, so we stayed and played on the ship for a lot of that day.

I was horrible at the flowrider. It was really amusing to watch for entertainment though!
Here is the only picture we got during the formal night of the cruise, courtesy of our suitcase

There was also a belly flop contest which Pat participated in. Here is the awesome photo. He did great, he got a 10 from me!

And here is a picture of us at the ice skating show at the ice skating rink that is onboard the ship. Crazy!
It was sooooo nice and we had a good time. My favorite part was just getting to spend a whole entire week together.