Yay for holidays I love them so much! This year for Christmas Pat and I went down to Tooele and saw both of our families. We went down for Pat's birthday on Dec 16th also because Pat had to have shoulder surgery on his right shoulder to repair a torn rotator cuff, reattach some bicep tendons, and fix part of his labrum. Poor guy had the surgery on his actual birthday. He was such a good sport about it though. Here's Pat blowing out the candles on his lemon meringue pie and opening some presents at his parents house.
This one was dark so we could see the candle lol |
Our niece Savannah got Pat Taquitos for a bday present ha ha |
Uncle Pat taking a nap with our newest niece Adney |
After having opening presents at Pat's parents we made gingerbread houses. This was my first time making a gingerbread house using actual gingerbread instead of graham crackers. Pat's mom was sooo sweet and made everything so we could do gingerbread houses and she got a bunch of candy and thought of everything possible for decorating the gingerbread houses. It was fun! The gingerbread and the frosting had a bunch of eggs in it though so I wore plastic gloves the whole time I made my house ha ha
We celebrated Christmas Eve at my parent's house with the Jaspers as is tradition and opened white elephants. Then we read the Christmas story from the Scriptures and went around and gave everyone a chance to say what they were grateful for. My dad was grateful for all the kindness people have shown him since he is having a hard time getting around now and has to use a cane to walk. And Pat said he was grateful that we were able to stay out of debt and manage our finances and have jobs. I said a bunch of stuff and cute Paigie cried and said she loved everyone. Some other people shared too. It was a good night. Then we opened presents with my family on Christmas morning and then Paige and Jason had to leave and catch their flight to Pennsylvania to go see Jason's family.
I got these two pictures from Paige.
Pat and I got my parents a huge spatula and a bbq sauce/marinade called Rub some Butt. Ha ha The spatula was huge and said it could be used to lift whole chickens lol. |
I opened my present from Pat last and it was a comforter set with Queen sheets in it!! Yay I have been wanted a queen bed FOREVER!! We have been sleeping on a full sized bed for the 3 and a half years we have been married. It isn't always the roomiest when your husband is 6'4''. I later found out our good friends Phil and Chelsey in Logan set up the actual bed in our apartment while Pat and I were gone visiting Tooele for Christmas. I love it
Yay our new queen bed! |
And a puppy ha ha |
Then after New Year's on January 3rd-4th I came down to Tooele for Katie's bridal shower. I came down the night before though and met my sister and her husband and my mom and dad and we all went and saw Disney's new movie Frozen together. I absolutely LOVED it!
I like it because it is a Disney movie about sisters. Go sisters! :)
We also had a bunch of fun at Katie's bridal shower. And she got a lot of good stuff. I am so glad that Katie gets to be part of our family soon. Yay for another sister. :)
There are no words ha ha ha |