The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Day date to the Hobbit Caves!

So after Pat and I got off work on Tuesday , which was 2 in the afternoon, he came home and asked if I was ready to go on a date and I said yeah, but he didn't tell me where we were going. First we went and got some sno cones! Then it turns out that he was taking me to see the Hobbit Caves up Logan Canyon. We've lived here 4 years and never really got around to seeing them before. They were pretty cute, and it was a nice little place. When we left it was nice and sunny but while we were up the canyon, there came a rain and thunderstorm out of nowhere! We were both in shorts and t-shirts. We took shelter in one of the caves for a couple of minutes and then ran back to our truck, but we still got drenched! Then we drove the truck up to Logan Peak on the dirt road and it was still raining, and there was thunder and lightening and it even hailed a little bit too. It was still way fun though and we made sure to drive through every puddle that we could find :)

There was a pretty little waterfall right by the caves too

This was right before it really started raining

Me, in one of the hobbit caves :)

If you know me, you know I love waterfalls, even little ones of course!


And here we are after getting caught in the rain!

He wasn't really looking at the camera for this one ha ha.

My hair was soaked

Yes we love driving through as many puddles as possible!

Good thing the windows were rolled up right?