The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Family Trip to Alaska 2014

I know this was awhile ago but I still wanted to document this trip on my blog for memories sake :) I've just been super busy lately!

So Pat and I got to take a trip to Alaska with my family. IT. Was. Awesome. :) My parents and Paige and Jason and Nathan and Katie all got to go. We flew to Alaska and my parents rented an RV and we (Me and Pat and Paige and Jason) camped in tents for 9 days! I might upload a ridiculous amount of photos but I will try to just post my favorites. Try lol. Alaska was gorgeous in the summer, it was so green and beautiful. 

Most the pictures are mine, all of the scenery and animal pictures are mine, but the ones with all of us or some of the ones that both me and Pat are in obviously I stole from Paige ha ha. Thanks Paigie :) 

Get ready for take off!

Flying into Alakska

There was a lake that looked like a bunny head!

Our home for 9 days :) 
My sweetheart got me flowers

At the Seattle Airport on the way to Alaska

And we had to go get some food of course. We were hungry when we went shopping ha ha Can you tell? 

Pat snowmobiling in Talkeetna ha ha 

Photo bomb by dad ha ha Love it

We saw some Alaskan sled dogs! They were adorable


Btw yes it did stay light forever. We started hiking one night at 9:30pm it was awesome. This picture was taken around midnight and it was just starting to get fairly dark. 

We went on lots of fun hikes! They were all gorgeous

I baked a cake to celebrate all of our August birthdays! 

We found a suspension bridge on one of our hikes

This looks like the tree is falling on our heads

Isn't he handsome? :) 

We found our own little Alaskan beach

This hike was by Riley Creek campground

Pat did that on purpose!

Starting the day to explore Denali National Park

Group Picture! :) 

From Anchorage to Denali to Portage and Seward!
This is one of my favorite pictures I took :) 

We found a cool rock by the ocean that you could climb on lol 

Why yes I do smile while rock climbing ha ha 

By the Williwaw campground. One of my favs

By Portage

Portage Glacier

I love this picture as well

We hiked to the Byron Glacier as well and there was a cool little tunnel in the snow by the glacier made by a waterfall

Love them!

Me and Paigey :) 

Time for a twin selfie or 3

We hiked to a beautiful waterfall

I love it! :) 

How gorgeous is this? Thanks for the pic

Kenai Fjords Tour!

It was a beautiful day at the docks!

Group shot taken by Paige :)

The coastline was so pretty and the water was gorgeous, I couldn't get enough of it

A bait bomb

Sea Lions

Pat thinks they sound like angry pigs ha ha 
A Whale!
We saw quite a few whales actually!

Adorable sea otters. They just bobbed in the water and followed the boat as it went around them and it looked like they were waving!

It was cold!

Thank goodness it was sunny

We had dinner on Fox Island. It was all you could eat Salmon or Prime rib. It was delicious. I may have had 6 pieces of salmon! Yum!

This next place was by the Princess RV park and we went hot tubbing and played shuffle board and had a beautiful dinner out on the back deck of a restaurant overlooking the Kenai  river! It was beautiful!

 This was our last campsite

I love the smell of a good campfire!

Best  Dad and travel agent right there :) 

Love this picture
We had to stop and see some more Alaskan wildlife before we said our final goodbyes!
A Grizzly Bear

Cute little black bear

A moose

 Our last stop was Alaska Wildberry Products. It was a fun local shop :) 

Nom nom nom

Then we had an overnight flight back from Anchorage to Salt Lake. Pat and I stayed up pretty much the whole night because there were free movies on this plane. 

This was at the airport. I love this picture :) 
Paige found grumpy cat at the airport too ha ha 

Good morning Erda, even though I still hadn't had any sleep in 24 hours ha ha
IT was such a fun trip! I loved every second of it. Thanks for planning it mom and dad. Love my family. Til next time Alaska!!!!