The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Saturday, July 25, 2015

34 weeks

Here was a picture from 33 weeks

 And these really sweet sisters in my ward threw me an adorable baby shower!

It was so cute!
 And here's 34 weeks yay 8 months!

Weight Gain: 33 pounds. I haven't gained a lot of weight the 3rd trimester thank goodness, but I can definitely tell my stomach is still getting bigger. I feel like baby is running out of room. Oh my goodness she has been kicking soooooo much this week. My stomach will move now and she is just moving all over the place. Still up in my ribs too though.
She likes to kick a lot when I lay down to go to sleep and she'll kick like the side of my stomach into the bed lol. Weirdest feeling ever. So then I'll start like rocking back and forth to get her to go to sleep! ha ha
Maternity Clothes: Nothing fits me anymore! I still need stuff to wear to work and it is hard to find things that still fit. It is a struggle everyday
Work: Still working at the hospital. I have cut back at Olive Garden though. I was planning on working the past couple of weeks still, but my manager got confused and took me off the schedule. Kinda bummed about that because I would've rather worked sooner rather than later, and I had been planning on working at least a couple more shifts. We'll see if they get me back on the schedule, before I feel like I can't work there anymore. It would be hard to go back honestly cuz lifting all the trays and maneuvering between tables and being on my feet for the whole shift is probably more difficult now. And it would mean more 10 hour work days, with both jobs. So we'll see. Somehow though I am just as busy if not busier even though I am not working shifts at Olive Garden, my days are still crazy busy it seems like. I guess that is just life for ya, you think it will get less busy and then it somehow just gets busier and busier. It is good though.
Exercise: Yes I am in workout clothes for a reason in this picture. I worked out after I took the picture. 40 minutes on the treadmill and some light weight lifting :) Yay for still working out :) I now have modified from girl pushups to wall pushups.
Sleep: Thankfully I am still sleeping pretty good. Sometimes it is hard to sleep when the bedroom is hot and I have 6 pillows around me. They are very insulating. And it is hard to sleep when baby girl is kicking by stomach nonstop. But for the most part I have been sleeping pretty darn good considering I am in my 3rd trimester.

I have Dr. appointments every 2 weeks now so that is exciting right?

Sunday, July 12, 2015

32 Weeks

32.5 weeks more like it though

Weight Gain: Still right there at 30 pounds
Exercise: Still going good, getting my walking in and trying to do water aerobics at least once a week!
Baby girl is kicking and moving around sooooo much! I don't think I'll ever get used to her kicks and random moments of shoving her foot into my ribs, stomach, bladder etc. lol.
Sleep: Thankfully I am still able to sleep pretty good for the most part.
Fun moments: Pat can feel her pretty good now when she kicks so that is fun. We finished our birthing class series from the hospital too. I know you can't really plan your labor but I feel more prepared taking the classes so that is good, we took the lamaze class series.
I had my baby shower the other week!!! It was so much fun, thank you so much to all my wonderful family and friends who helped with everything and came, and helped  Pat ad I get some cute baby girl stuff. I feel a little more prepared now, cuz we like literally hadn't bought anything yet and I was starting to stress out about it.

My mom and sis and I went to some cute baby stores and had fun looking around at all the fun baby stuff!
 Here's some of the shower and opening fun presents!

 Gifts from Auntie Paige :)

Blanket from Grandma Nielsen

My mom and dad got us a stroller and car seat! I love it :) 
Here's the adorable cake that Kim made

Pat also set up our pack n play that we will be using as a crib. He set it up while I was in one of my Sunday meetings and I came home and he had a trail of diapers leading to our family room and the mobile moving and playing music and he was hiding behind the door. It was pretty adorable! ;) 

Pat and I got to go to a Bee's game with my dad this week, and he got us front row seats!
Also Pat and I have been going to the Bee's games on and off for about 6 years now and they have never won a game we have been to, and the night we went with my dad they finally won!!! By one run! So Pat and I are no longer bad luck for them lol
Sorry dad we forgot to tell you we were taking a selfie lol

Pretty good seats huh?

You can't really on this picture but they won!

Pat and I also got to go camping this weekend with some friends :)
It was a really pretty place up in the mountains

We had to bring at least 3 pillows for me lol

Can you spot the flowers Pat picked for me?

We went up to a pretty area North of Bear Lake called Bloomington Lake and Pat and our neighbor did a rope swing into the lake that was set up there. You could get pretty high on it.