The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Saturday, May 7, 2016

8 months!

Oh my goodness, I know I start every post out like this, but I can't even believe it has been 8 months! Brylianna you are just the sweetest little spirit in the whole wide world. I don't know why we have been blessed with such a good little baby girl, but you are basically perfect! You are such a good sleeper, you sleep almost 11 hours at night now, thank you so much! Although I still stay up like 2 hours after you go to bed, I need to stop doing that haha. You are the smiliest little baby ever, everywhere you go people mention how smiley and happy you are! Strangers and family and friends comment on how happy you are everytime they see you. You are such a special little sweetheart! You love going to the grocery store and sharing you smiles and laughing at people who walk by and you love looking at other babies and kids and just grin and giggle and try to talk to them! You also love meal time, everytime we put a bib on you, you get sooo excited and wiggly and want food right then! You have liked everything you try so far and made a super funny face when we let you try mango the other day, but you kept eating it and made the funny face at every bit haha! You have also tried raspberry baby food, and apple, banana, cherry, you like those mixed with your oatmeal cereal. You are getting good at eating puffs all by yourself and grabbing them with your thumb and finger. You love banana and want some whenever you see me eating it. You have also tried some bread from our sandwhiches and Pat gave you a tiny piece of egg the other day and you did fine with it. ( We are hoping you don't have any allergies.) You imitate our laughs now sometimes, which is hilarious and you also make the kissy sound and kiss back and smack your lips when we kiss at you, it is freaking adorable!!! Sometimes you will say " mamama and then make a kiss sound" and it just melts my heart every time. I think I am going to count your first word officially as "Mama" you have said it a lot, and it is so cute. Daddy is hoping you will say dada or daddy soon.
You are getting super fast at crawling now and are pulling yourself up to stand on things. Lots of things. Especially things that I wish you wouldn't try to pull yourself up on, lol, you have kept me busy! Also sometimes when Pat or I leave and walk out the front door you will pull yourself up on the baby gate by the door and cry. It is super sad, but also makes us feel like you love us. I have had to work everynight this week and you did that a couple times and it made me not want to go to work!
You like to crawl over to me and pull on my pants or use my leg to kneel or balance on when I am doing dishes or cooking and I have to pick you up because it is just so cute.
I am doing better at working out now that I am a beachbody coach and you think it is so entertaining when I jump and workout in the tv room and sometimes you will just sit there and laugh at me haha I try to take it as encouragement :) Sometimes you crawl all over me though and make working out hard, and I can only use our treadmill when Pat is home to watch you. But you are a super cute workout buddy!
You have a hard time making it through all of church on Sundays, we have church at 8:30am and sometimes I have to wake you up to make it to church on time. Pat has meetings at 7, so I wake up early and get ready and eat and try to get everything for you ready to go I usually pump and feed you during sacrament meeting so that you are good for it. You are starting to get restless and not as entertained by me just holding you during meetings though. You are usually pretty good and like to smile at your daddy up on the Bishopric stand. You also love to stare at people in the rows behind us and give big grins and giggles :) You usually are dead tired by the time we get to Relief Society and sometimes I have to leave early a couple of times for nap time.

Also there are a ridiculous amount of pictures in this post, because technology is awesome and allows us to capture little everyday moments and I just can't get enough of them lately. We are so blessed to have that.

And since I am posting this on Mother's day here is the link to Brylianna's birth story. We love you Brylianna and you will always be extra special to me because you made me a momma :)

Brylianna's birth story

We caught your first thumbs up sign on camera! :)