The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Friday, October 7, 2016

Our little 13 month old

Our beautiful Brylianna, we can't believe 13 months has gone by so quickly. It gives a new meaning to time. You are the happiest little girl and are quickly developing some personality, spunk, and learning how to throw baby tantrums haha I know that it is because you are trying so hard to communicate something most of the time though, and just can't. That must be frustrating. I will try to be more patient with you and think about things from your point of view.

You are still a pretty good baby though! You love all foods you have tried except for mashed potatoes, and pickles. We went to a restaurant with some friends a couple of weeks ago and you surprised us all and ate everyone's beets and loved them haha

You love peaches, bananas, and avocados!
You can now sign, more, all done, milk, and please. It is so cute. When you are tired sometimes you just start signing every sign you know haha. Also when daddy throws you up high in the air and catches you, when he catches you, you sign "more" it is so adorable!

I have nursed you since you were born and are down to one time a day and will be weaning you from that soon. You like whole milk and drank it like a champ the first time we gave it to you.

You are a momma's girl right now and love to be held and are super clingy. You cry often when I am not holding you. It is super cute and makes my heart melt and also sometimes makes it hard to get certain things done, but that is okay, I will try to cherish these moments because you will not always want me to hold you and I love every cuddle I get :) 

You just got a walker and love it! You run into everything. You love to walk while holding our hands. Sometimes you will come over to me or your dad and grab each of our hands and cry until we get up and walk around with you :) 

You sleep pretty good still. Usually 11-12 hours. Thank you!

When you start coughing you pat yourself on the chest. It is cute lol 

We took a family trip to Zions and we camped for two nights and did a lot of hiking and you were so so good! It was so cute to watch you crawl around our tent and crawl all over us and lay your head on us and cuddle, even if we did't go to bed til 1am because of it. That was the first time we have ever co-slept with you. 

You love being outside and going on walks. You love the grocery store most of the time. You are starting to not like your carseat right when we put you in it. 

You get really frustrated when you can't figure out how to do something. But you are one determined little girl. 

I love your crawl and will miss the sound of your little hands on our floor when you start walking. 

You tickle my toes while I do the dishes. i am very ticklish

You have gone to nursery two or three times now and love it

You are better at saying "Dada" more instead of "Mama" (your first word) because we made such a big deal when you said "Dada" You say it so cute though

You wave and cry when Dad goes to work or class. You love to say "Dada" and smile at Dad when he is on the stand on Sundays in the Bishopric

We LOVE you!
Growing away 

OH my goodness you loved crawling around and playing in this sand so much! It was like slightly damp. You got filthy but it was totally worth it cuz you were grinning the WHOLE entire time and crawling around as fast as you could. You would drag your hand in the sand and scoop up handfuls and just stare at it and open and close your hand. So cute!

A zonkey!

At the petting zoo, the goats were your favorite

Watching Sunday morning of General Conference
Our happy girl!