The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Sunday, March 3, 2019

At last I see the light

Kanab has a hot air balloon festival every February. They line up the hot air  ballon baskets in main Street  and tie them down and light them  up. It was pretty neat and a nice way to stay toasty . 
They also have a whole street set up with booths and food etc. Brylianna of course wanted cotton candy  

Also they had a floating lantern festival! I've always wanted to do one! So we watched tangled and got Brylianna all excited and got two purple floating lanterns to light 🔥

She was hyped up on sugar, but totally adorable during the whole entire time when everyone lit the floating lanterns. She would yell oh look!!! There's one! And another one! And a pink one! And move our heads and say look at that one!!!!! It was so cute! She did it the whole time we were there 😂 Things are so fun and magical with cute little kids who just have pure joy in their hearts and excitement on their faces. 
It was a very magical night ♥️

Valentine's 2019

With kids life is so fun when you make Holidays special. I believe it builds lasting cherished memories too. 

 Had to document our pink hair too

Welcome to Snowy Southern Utah haha
We moved to southern Utah but our elevation is 6,000 ft so I guess it  is complicated lol 
We are having a fun winter though! 
Pat was awesome and built the kiddos a snow cave! It is so neat. It is crazy how quiet and peaceful and clean smelling it is inside of  it haha

Also I don't think I'm claustrophobic but while I was in it I did have a lot of images running through my head about how much it would sucks if it collapsed. 
We had lots of fun playing in it though and Brylianna loved it. 
We all fit in it! 
I also built a sled run on top of it and we slid like 30-40 ft by using it .Brylianna and I went sledding on the igloo in our front yard for about 3 hours straight 😂❄️☃️

 Pat and I also got to go on a date for part of his shift one night when he was trail grooming. It was fun and super beautiful and there was so much snow!