Here's 18 weeks
Weight gain: 16 pounds about. I didn't have a scale and wasn't going to weight myself while on vacation :) But I think that is a pretty accurate estimate.Maternity Clothes: This week was mostly gym clothes that still fit me.
Stretch Marks: I don't have any yet yay
Sleep: Still sleeping pretty good. I did have my first crazy weird pregnant dream though. A lot of pregnant women say they have really like realistic, detailed, and sometimes crazy dreams when they are pregnant. I had no idea what they were talking about til this week.
Food cravings: A banana Snocone was at the top of my list!And Pina Coladas, virgin of course, and lots of water!
Anything making you queasy or sick? I didn't feel great on the plane rides, but I think that is kinda normal for me anyways, and when we went up to Mauna Kea I could feel the elevation rise getting to me more than usual. There were a couple days in Hawaii I didn't feel the greatest, but nothing too bad to stop me from doing whatever we were doing that day.
Gender: So I had a dream in Hawaii that a game show/reality show told me I was having a girl, but I don't think I will count that because it didn't feel serious ha ha I still have no particular feeling yet on what the gender will be, but we get to find out soon!
Best moment this week: Being in Hawaii of course! It was nice to just spend some time with family, and of course it was nice for Pat and I to have a whole week off together to have some "us" time before baby gets here. I quite enjoyed it.
Started to show yet? Yes I think so
Happy or Moody most of the time: I think it has been a tie between both lately
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender! And buying fun baby stuff
19 weeks
19 weeks
Weight gain: About 19 pounds now, the weeks and pounds match! I guess that is exciting.
Maternity clothes: Pretty sure I will be wearing them for the rest of this pregnancy. I looked down at my feet at work the other day and my ankle bones had disappeared. Ha ha If that is starting this early then I am in trouble! And I remembered to wear pink for this week's bump picture!
Stretch Marks: Still none, I will be sad when I have to answer yes to this question, but that is just part of pregnancy sometimes right?
Sleep: Still able to sleep pretty good, thank goodness. It took awhile to adjust back from Hawaii time though.
Food Cravings: Everything has sounded good lately
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing really this week.
Gender: We find out on Friday! I can't wait :) Some days I really feel girl, but I feel like all of my "symptoms" say it will be a boy.
Best Moment this week: Planning mine and Pat's 5 year anniversary that will be coming up in about a month :) We take turns each year who plans it and this year it is my turn. We probably won't do much since we just went on a vacation, but I am still excited for it and it is just awesome to get to 5 years, it is a milestone and makes me happy!
Started to show yet?: Oh definitely. I think my stomach really popped this last week, I can tell a huge difference. The belly touching has begun, thankfully not from any strangers yet though! It is so weird to feel yourself getting fatter and fatter ha ha I don't think I'll every get used to it this entire pregnancy.
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy I think
Looking forward to: Finally finding out the gender and buying cute baby stuff!!!!!! It seems like it has taken forever for the gender reveal ultrasound to get here, I hope baby cooperates.
We are open to name suggestions, we have several girl names we would be okay with, but are having a hard time coming up with boy names we both like, so it will probably be a boy ha ha! We will see
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