The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Monday, February 17, 2014

Polar Plunge and Valentines Day

Polar Plunge

So on February 8th I participated in the Cache Valley Polar Plunge in Hyrum. It was a fundraiser for The Special Olympics and I did it because I get credit for doing it in one of my community health classes. My mom and dad even came up to watch me and we went to dinner Friday Night at the Beehive Grill. It was yummy, then I went back to my mom and dad's hotel and we went swimming, and were going to hot tub, but the hot tub was surprisingly too hot. And we watched the opening ceremonies for the Olympics on TV. Pat had to go back to work after we had dinner.
Then on Saturday Pat and I woke up and went to Hyrum and got me registered at 10:00am and then we waited for it to start at 11:00 and for my parents to meet us. When I registered they gave me my t-shirt and I was very tempted to just run away since I had already received the shirt ha ha.
I got kinda nervous and didn't really want to jump in the freezing lake especially after I saw the size of the huge hole they had carved in the ice. But I was one of the first people to go. I just wanted to get it over with pretty much, since I hate the cold. Let me tell you it was freezing! Some people just jumped in and swam across and got out and acted like it was no big deal. I have no idea how they did that. It was super cold and I already started losing feeling in my legs and hands like immediately after I jumped in ha ha. Here's me walking the loooong walk to where you jump from.

And jumping. Longest second of my life while I was in the air. Or maybe half a second since I didn't really jump. I should've actually jumped. Further. A lot further.
And this ridiculous face pretty much accurately describes how cold the water was ha ha
So then after I jumped in and immediately starting losing feeling in my fingers and going numb, I decided I didn't want to swim all the way across the hole to get out. So I swam over to a rescue person and had them pull me out of the water ha ha. But hey I did it!


So our Valentines was a little low key this year since Pat worked in the morning and I had to work later that night and Olive Garden was crazy busy so I had a super long shift. (As far as serving shifts go of course) But I made some cookies before I left for work and then Pat came home and had bought 2 packs of Oreos, and had found me some cookie dough ice cream that doesn't even have eggs in. It. was. Awesome! Not extremely good for me though since I have been eating cookies and ice cream everyday since then, and I am supposed to be training for a triathlon. Oh well. It was delicious. Then when I got off work Pat was awesome and sweet and had cooked us up a nice steak dinner with delicious garlic cheesy potatoes. Love him!!!!
Our extravagant decorations

Heart cookies

What is better than a homemade card? :)
 And here's one to motivate me to train for my upcoming triathlon with my awesome bike that Pat got me last year for my birthday. I think it definitely needs to be in a triathlon. Although it is coming up way too soon I am excited for it!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

January 2014

Nathan and Katie's Wedding

On January 17th my brother Nathan and Katie got married. Pat and I were both able to go down and help them get ready for the wedding and Paige and Jason got to come too. They had their luncheon first at the church and it was catered by PF Changs yum. Then everyone went around and shared stories of Nathan and Katie and said congratulations. Mom and Paige did so good and didn't even cry and then it was my turn and I didn't think I was going to cry and then I randomly started crying haha. Oh well. I was happy for them :) They are an awesome couple and I hope them all the happiness in the world :) It was such a fun day and everything went well and Katie looked beautiful and Nathan and Katie glowed with happiness and the reception was great. Paige was their photographer and took most of the pictures I am going to post below. Good job Paigey!

Congratulations :)

The "kids" table at the luncheon lol 

 Poor Jason, this is one of the last pictures of him feeling well. After the luncheon he got really sick and didn't really get to enjoy the rest of the wedding. It seems to follow tradition that whenever my family all gets to be together it never fails that at least one person gets sick. 

The beautiful bride and her bridesmaids :)
Love them
Our good friends Twyla and Breanne got to come. It was so good to see them

Me and my handsome hubby
Me and Paige and Nathan :)
Yay for weddings! :)

Other updates

The rest of January consisted mostly of just getting back to work and school and real life stuff. This past week Pat surprised me one evening when I came home and had left a bunch of clues around the house leading me on a scavenger hunt and to some presents, it was really sweet of him. 
My clues
Fruit and birthday cake flavored Oreos. 2 of my favorites mmm
Birthday cake flavored ice cream and frozen yogurt. At least there is a healthy balance in there right ;)
Then this past weekend we went to Crystal Hot Springs which is about half an hour away from Logan. It was so nice to actually be warm in the winter time Yay :)