The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Sunday, February 2, 2014

January 2014

Nathan and Katie's Wedding

On January 17th my brother Nathan and Katie got married. Pat and I were both able to go down and help them get ready for the wedding and Paige and Jason got to come too. They had their luncheon first at the church and it was catered by PF Changs yum. Then everyone went around and shared stories of Nathan and Katie and said congratulations. Mom and Paige did so good and didn't even cry and then it was my turn and I didn't think I was going to cry and then I randomly started crying haha. Oh well. I was happy for them :) They are an awesome couple and I hope them all the happiness in the world :) It was such a fun day and everything went well and Katie looked beautiful and Nathan and Katie glowed with happiness and the reception was great. Paige was their photographer and took most of the pictures I am going to post below. Good job Paigey!

Congratulations :)

The "kids" table at the luncheon lol 

 Poor Jason, this is one of the last pictures of him feeling well. After the luncheon he got really sick and didn't really get to enjoy the rest of the wedding. It seems to follow tradition that whenever my family all gets to be together it never fails that at least one person gets sick. 

The beautiful bride and her bridesmaids :)
Love them
Our good friends Twyla and Breanne got to come. It was so good to see them

Me and my handsome hubby
Me and Paige and Nathan :)
Yay for weddings! :)

Other updates

The rest of January consisted mostly of just getting back to work and school and real life stuff. This past week Pat surprised me one evening when I came home and had left a bunch of clues around the house leading me on a scavenger hunt and to some presents, it was really sweet of him. 
My clues
Fruit and birthday cake flavored Oreos. 2 of my favorites mmm
Birthday cake flavored ice cream and frozen yogurt. At least there is a healthy balance in there right ;)
Then this past weekend we went to Crystal Hot Springs which is about half an hour away from Logan. It was so nice to actually be warm in the winter time Yay :)


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