The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Friday, May 16, 2014

4 years into Forever

Happy 4 years to us!

I can't believe that Pat and I have already been married for 4 years already. Time sure flies when you are having fun! Here's a slideshow I made to celebrate our past 4 years. It is longer than I expected and we actually have quite a few pictures of us. Just imagine how long my slideshow will be after 20, 50, or more years lol. Here's the link to the video because it wasn't working on blogger. 

So this year Pat got to plan our anniversary trip, because I planned last years. He kept everything secret and wouldn't tell me where we were going or anything. So we woke up on Wednesday and got ready and then Pat got us donuts for breakfast yum. Then we packed up on the motorcycle and we were off.

The cinnamon roll donut in the middle was bigger than both my hands lol. 


He said he was smiling in this picture
 He still wouldn't tell me where we were going, but eventually after lots of  road signs I figured out where we were headed. We were going to Park City. Pat got us a beautiful gorgeous hotel it was so nice. It was at Canyons and it was the Westgate Resort! I loved it and had to take pictures of everything! 

I tried to take a picture of the ski lifts but you can't really see them. I wanted to ride them around but they weren't operating at the time lol.
And here are some pictures of our awesome hotel room. Like I said I had to take pictures of everything cuz it was sooo nice! We had a jetted Jacuzzi in our room and an awesome shower with 2 shower heads, one that came down from the ceiling and was actually taller than Pat was for a first,  and a little steam thing that made your shower into a steamroom/sauna, we had a fireplace, 2 flat screen tvs, a full kitchen, and balcony, and the hotel had about 3 pools, an indoor/outdoor heated pool with 2 hot tubs, and another cool pool with a waterfall you could turn off and on, and another hot tub, sauna, and steamroom! I couldn't decide where I wanted to go first lol. They also had ping-pong and air hockey, and there were 2 restaurants in our hotel. It was all very nice and classy. 

Pat didn't know I was taking a picture lol, But I had to get one of our cool shower.

Hot tub in our room. Yes please

We were super lucky and we were there for the last night that they were letting the fireplaces still work!

Our balcony :) 
So Pat said the whole reason he got this hotel was because of the pool that had the waterfall becuase he knew I would love it. He was right, so I had to take like 8 pictures of it. And our camera was being super weird and sometimes would take a picture okay and sometimes it wouldn't,  even though the lighting was the same in all the pictures. 

Kind dark. The waterfall was in the background though, you just can't see it

I don't know why my left eye isn't really open lol

This was when we were touring the hotel at first

Then we had to come back and go swimming!

This picture shows the pretty blue color of the water better

How awesome is this?! And yes I can now check "kissing behind a waterfall" off my bucket list. Even if the waterfall is man-made lol. 

One of the hot tubs

You can't tell but in between the pillars on the ceiling the ceiling was painted like the sky with clouds. It was cute. 

Selfie. The waterfall is in the background but you can't see it again!
We also walked around main street of Park City and went in some of the shops and ate dinner there. 
It was nice because it wasn't super crowded or busy. 
Me walking up main street :) 


My sweet hubby

Here's Franz the bear. I liked this bear cuz it was short like me and it's feet couldn't touch the ground when it was sitting down. I can totally relate lol. 

And here's a selfie in my new Park City souvenir t-shirt. I forgot to take it while I was in Park City.

I think getting a souvenir t-shirt from anniversary trips will become a fun tradition as long as my t-shirt size doesn't drastically increase over the years ha ha. Here's my 3 year anniversary shirt from last year :) Good times!

I'm so grateful for Pat and all he does for our family. Thanks for the fun trip honey!

Oh and here is a random picture of a palm tree balloon that Pat got me about 8 weeks ago. It has been floating in our apartment ever since then without any help from anything, it just floats forever,  and I'm pretty sure we will set a new Guinness world record with it lol.


Graduation 2014

Yay I finally graduated from Utah State University with my bachelors degree of Science in Human Movement Science with an emphasis in Exercise Science. Wahoo!! It was a great day and my sweet hubby planned a surprise get together/graduation party at a beautiful park and invited some friends and family. He did very good and I didn't know that all of them would be there. It was such a nice day and it was great to see everyone! We had a nice lunch from Rumbi Island Grill and I got some graduation presents and then I had to go and get ready for graduation.
I barely made it up to the Spectrum where my graduation ceremony was being held by the time they had told me I needed to be up there. There were a bunch of students everywhere and everyone was in their black cap and gowns already. I joked with my family by telling them to look for me and that I would be the one dressed in black lol. So helpful. I found my name card  in the tunnel then went and found one of my friends I was graduating with. It was super hot while we all waited outside in our black gowns. One girl in front of  us actually passed out! It was crazy. Then we finally got to walk into the Spectrum.
I saw my mom and dad right away but it took me forever to find Pat, Paige, Jason, and Nathan, but I finally saw them and smiled at them. The ceremony wasn't too long and then the walking finally came. I was towards the back so I had to wait awhile, and I swear there were like 8 people name Heather graduating lol. Then it was finally my turn to walk and it took the announcer guy forever to figure out how to pronounce Heather Hollien Buhr. But he finally kinda got it. I was also impressed because no one tripped during the ceremony. 
Then we took pictures and everywhere in Logan was booked til late so we went into Ogden and ate at Texas Roadhouse. Pat and I took his motorcycle down because it was such a nice day! We had a very good time and I'm grateful for such awesome family and friends!
I stole most these pictures from Paige becuase I obviously wasn't taking pictures of myself ha ha. Thanks Paige.

At the beautiful park

With my sweet mom and dad

There I am!

Oh hey! 
Okay I'll wave

Here's the guy taking forever to pronounce my name
Me and my sweet hubby

Love them

I'm glad my grandma could come up

Me and my sis

Yay I did it!

Here's Pat and I before heading to dinner in Ogden
It was a great day!
And I went and took some pictures on campus for memories sake.

And here's a place I like to study that had a gorgeous view of the valley. I will not miss the studying!

And here's a pretty picture of the temple from campus