The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Fitness Update

This is mostly for my own records so I can motivate myself and look at how far I have come etc. But feel free to follow along my journey of postpartum fitness and to motivate me to keep it up because some days we all need a little extra motivation! :) Brylianna is now a little over 3 months old. I am happy to say I pretty much feel, almost back to normal now. I am 3 pounds away from my pre pregnancy weight wahoo!! Although I can tell I lost a lot of muscle and strength. I can now only do about 12 pushups in a row, instead of the 30-40 I could do before baby. So I can't wait til I gain some strength back. I just try to do something every day even if it is only for 15 minutes during one of her naps. She actually doesn't nap for super long during the day so when she does, I have to decide if I want to A. Clean B. Shower. C. Take a nap myself. or D. workout ha ha Somedays it is hard to prioritize those! I have been trying to motivate myself to get back into shape, so I bought myself some new athletic shoes a couple months ago and made me wait until after Brylianna was born before I could use them. Also buying a couple new workout clothes can be motivating. And I know I will have more energy if I consistently work out even if I don't seem to have any energy before that. Although I will say that having a baby is a workout in and of itself, I carry my almost 14 pound sweetheart around a lot of the day and I can't tell you how many times I get down and up off the floor to play with her, set her down etc. So thanks for getting me back into shape. baby. My goal was to be back to prepregnancy weight/shape by 6-9 months because it took 9 months to gain so I was going to give it that long to lose it lol. I am hoping to be pretty close by 6 months postpartum though.Even if I don't get a workout in everyday, it is totally worth it when cute Brylianna looks at me and gives me one of her sweet ear to ear grins. Love you baby girl! Please feel free to comment and let me know your great ideas of getting back into shape after baby and what motivates you! :)
My new shoes to motivate me

I jogged this trail a couple times after Brylianna was born but before it snowed a lot

 And of course I love my stroller walks

Sunday, December 6, 2015

3 months and a lot of change

I feel like so much has happened lately. Last week Pat got a new calling as 2nd counselor in our Bishopric, so proud of him, and this week I got released from being our wards Relief Society President. Bittersweet. I honestly loved it and all the sweet sisters in our ward. But I think it will be good, it is hard enough getting a baby ready for 8:30 am church as it is :)
Speaking of baby, sweet Brylianna is just so so so so super smiley, we love it! She is such a happy baby. She is rolling from her tummy to her back now, not all in one motion,she pushes up high with her hands and forearms and then just lets her head tip over and hit the ground and her body follows ha ha. And she can almost roll from her back to her tummy but doesn't know what to do with one arm. I am going to be in trouble soon! It is fun to watch her grown and learn. She is already in 3-6 month clothes and outgrown some 3 month clothes.  She usually sleeps pretty good at night, like amazing, but has kinda not been sleeping so good at night, but still great compared to most babies, just not as much as we have been used to. And she takes awhile to go down for her naps during the day. Sometimes I set her down to do dishes or whatever and then I will look back and she will just be staring at me with her big eyes like "Hey mom". It makes me smile. And lately she is becoming quite the conversationalist and if we put our face close to hers and go "OOoooooo." She will "Ooooooo" back and do that for like 5 minutes sometime, it is super adorable!!! Oh and she discovered her hands and loves to suck on them like all day now.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with both of our families and were so luck to stay in Tooele for a week and see them both and we of course ate two delicious Thanksgiving dinners. It was wonderful to see everyone. I am getting so excited for Christmas I just love this time of year!
Our little Christmas present

Brylianna our little bear

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

2 months

Oh my goodness time flies! Our little baby girl no longer looks like a newborn. She is just growing away.
Baby girl, you are so full of smiles it just melts my heart. Sometimes you love bath time sometimes you don't.Most the time you do though and your cute little eyes get really big.  This last week you slept for 7 hours straight for two nights in a row, which made mom super duper happy. Dad says you have adult farts now which is pretty hilarious. We can't wait til your eyes turn whatever color they are going to be, Mom says blue, but Dad says they look like they will be brown, we will see! I still think your little cry is pretty cute, but it can get heartbreakingly sad if we don't get to you fast enough. You always seem to cry right when I am in the shower shampooing my hair. Bad timing! But most the time you are pretty happy. You have a really good scowl that you like to do quite often though which cracks us up! I don't think I can eat chocolate anymore, I had brownies once and you were kinda upset the next day. I hope you don't have any allergies to anything, but time will tell.You are such a good little baby, we are so so blessed to have you in our home.Oh and  I can't stop taking pictures :)

 We went to the pumpkin walk

 Fall is here

 Paige moved to Logan!

Listening to the football game with Daddy :) 

Cute for Sunday 

Ohh I love it :) 

Baby had her first Halloween!

Monday, October 12, 2015

We have a 1 month old!

Brylianna, you are such a sweet, good baby so far, we love you so much and are so lucky/blessed that you are such a sweet little angel. Your nights and days were a little reversed at first but it is getting a little better. You are getting lots more smiley and love to smile right after eating. You LOVE to cuddle and sleep so well if someone is holding you. We went to Grandma and Grandpa's twice this week. (Meaning both sets of grandparents) You are so so loved and everyone says you are such a beautiful baby girl. You actually rolled over for your first time ever from your tummy to your back when you were 3 weeks old, at Grandma and Grandpa Hollien's house. You surprised everyone including yourself and were stuck on your side for a long time, but finally tipped over. We think it was a fluke, but still think you are pretty awesome :) You have had your first bath in a bucket in the kitchen sink and didn't know what to think at first and cried, but then your eyes got really big and you liked it. Your eyes are really big and bright and beautiful and some days mommy thinks they have a tint of blue in them like Daddy's, but we will have to wait and see. You are growing so fast! I can't believe it has already been a month, I want you to stop growing and be cuddly and little forever, but at the same time I can't wait for all the fun ahead. It's a good thing you have so many cute outfits because you go through like 4 at least everyday. You poop so loud that sometimes, if it is in the middle of the night and mommy is feeding you that it actually has scared me a couple of times ha ha. And the other day you spit on me and then pooped on me twice, but it's okay  I still love you, but will no longer wear nice clothes. You have also projectile thrown up about 4 or 5 times and we were amazed that a little tiny person could puke so much, ( on our shirts, pants, hands, couch, and all the way to the floor) but you were content as could be and just brushed it off like nothing happened. that hasn't happened for awhile now though. Also, you snort when you cry sometimes and it is the cutest darn thing and makes mom laugh, but then I feel bad cuz I'm laughing We love you Brylianna and are glad you are part of  our family. Can't wait for all the fun times and crazy times ahead.

Look at those cute little eyelashes :) 
Yay big smile :) 

We match and believe it or not I didn't even plan it!