The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

21 Weeks!!!

Baby Buhr is a girl!!! Yay! Sooooo excited! Everything looks good and baby is healthy at our 2nd trimester ultrasound. We are so grateful! We found out last week that we are having a girl and I couldn't be more thrilled! We had a fun little reveal party with my family and some friends and it was so much fun. Before we revealed the gender we took everyone's vote down and there were 9 votes for boy and 2 for a girl! And my sister Paige was saying girl this whole time and then changed her vote to boy at the very last minute haha! I had told Pat the night before our ultrasound that for some reason, even though all of my "symptoms" were pointing to boy, I just didn't think that there was a boy in there! I guess I should listen to my instincts more often! lol Honestly I never had a huge moment of inspiration that lead me to believe it was a girl though. Just little thoughts and possibly stubbornness or something just because almost EVERYBODY was saying it was going to be a boy lol. 
At the ultrasound she was being super shy and not showing us her face. So the ultrasound tech kept prodding and poking my stomach and trying to get her to move around. She was just content to keep her face cuddled into my back and then she had her arms/hands up by her face too. We finally got to see most of her face though and you could tell she was smiling. It was pretty adorable!! It is so amazing what technology can do and how many different measurements they could take and everything that they could look at. 

The cute decorations my mom and sis got :) Awwww

The reveal cake that I made! We also served pink lemonade and blueberry punch. :)

It's Pink!!!!! 

It was such a fun little weekend. Love all the support from family and friends! 

Also I just want to say that exercise during pregnancy totally makes a difference! I have way more energy on days that I work out and I feel better. (This is true pre-pregnant, and pregnant.)I am so glad that I can still work out while being pregnant thus far, it is such a blessing. At this point of course I have to modify some exercises but it is still totally manageable to work out and be pregnant at the same time. I know everyone is different so it does depend on some things, but yay for healthy work out time :) And now I am working out not only for me, but for baby as well, if that isn't motivating than I don't know what is! :)  This was back at week 19 I think, but I am still able to workout :) 

Friday, April 17, 2015

Weeks 18 and 19

Here's 18 weeks

Weight gain: 16 pounds about. I didn't have a scale and wasn't going to weight myself while on vacation :) But I think that is a pretty accurate estimate.
Maternity Clothes: This week was mostly gym clothes that still fit me.
Stretch Marks: I don't have any yet yay
Sleep: Still sleeping pretty good. I did have my first crazy weird pregnant dream though. A lot of pregnant women say they have really like realistic, detailed, and sometimes crazy dreams when they are pregnant. I had no idea what they were talking about til this week.
Food cravings:  A banana Snocone was at the top of my list!And Pina Coladas, virgin of course, and lots of water!
Anything making you queasy or sick? I didn't feel great on the plane rides, but I think that is kinda normal for me anyways, and when we went up to Mauna Kea I could feel the elevation rise getting to me more than usual. There were a couple days in Hawaii I didn't feel the greatest, but nothing too bad to stop me from doing whatever we were doing that day.
Gender: So I had a dream in Hawaii that a game show/reality show told me I was having a girl, but I don't think I will count that because it didn't feel serious ha ha I still have no particular feeling yet on what the gender will be, but we get to find out soon!
Best moment this week:  Being in Hawaii of course! It was nice to just spend some time with family, and of course it was nice for Pat and I to have a whole week off together to have some "us" time before baby gets here. I quite enjoyed it.
Started to show yet? Yes I think so
Happy or Moody most of the time: I think it has been a tie between both lately
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender! And buying fun baby stuff

19 weeks

19 weeks
Weight gain: About 19 pounds now, the weeks and pounds match! I guess that is exciting.
Maternity clothes: Pretty sure I will be wearing them for the rest of this pregnancy. I looked down at my feet at work the other day and my ankle bones had disappeared. Ha ha If that is starting this early then I am in trouble! And I remembered to wear pink for this week's bump picture!
Stretch Marks: Still none, I will be sad when I have to answer yes to this question, but that is just part of pregnancy sometimes right?
Sleep: Still able to sleep pretty good, thank goodness. It took awhile to adjust back from Hawaii time though. 
Food Cravings: Everything has sounded good lately
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing really this week. 
Gender: We find out on Friday! I can't wait :) Some days I really feel girl, but I feel like all of my "symptoms" say it will be a boy.
Best Moment this week: Planning mine and Pat's 5 year anniversary that will be coming up in about a month :) We take turns each year who plans it and this year it is my turn. We probably won't do much since we just went on a vacation, but I am still excited for it and it is just awesome to get to 5 years, it is a milestone and makes me happy!
Started to show yet?: Oh definitely. I think my stomach really popped this last week, I can tell a huge difference. The belly touching has begun, thankfully not from any strangers yet though! It is so weird to feel yourself getting fatter and fatter ha ha I don't think I'll every get used to it this entire pregnancy. 
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy I think
Looking forward to: Finally finding out the gender and buying cute baby stuff!!!!!! It seems like it has taken forever for the gender reveal ultrasound to get here, I hope baby cooperates. 

We are open to name suggestions, we have several girl names we would be okay with, but are having a hard time coming up with boy names we both like, so it will probably be a boy ha ha! We will see

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Aloha 18 weeks!!

 Aloha 18 weeks!

Yes this week Pat and I got to go to Hawaii!!!We went to the big island and stayed in Kona. We went with Pat's mom and dad, his brother Parker, Michelle, cute little Zeke and Sadie. It was so much fun and I am so glad we had the opportunity to go. If you love scrolling through TONS of photos this blog post is for you. I just love all the pictures and wanted to remember it all, I might have gone a little crazy on the photo uploads though. 
Sunset view on the flight to Hawaii. Yay for getting the window seat! lol 
 The first morning we were there Pat and I woke up at 6am ( Hawaii is 4 hours behind our time so we did this like every morning I actually kind of liked it) or more Pat woke me up at 6 and we walked down to the beach to watch the sunrise. We figured it would look awesome rising over the water, then we remembered the sun rose on the other side of the island ha ha. It was still fun though. 

Isn't he handsome :) 

Pat picked me a flower aw

I told him to smile. I think he looks super cute :)

That day we also went to a beach and everyone went snorkeling. I just had goggles and not the full face mask thing and I tried to go underwater and look at stuff with just the goggles, but I got out of breath like super fast! It was weird, I think it has something to do with being pregnant. So I didn't do much snorkeling and just enjoyed  the waves and the water and the fish I could see from the surface. 
Then we watched the sunset on some rocks over the ocean.

The next day we went to the North Shore and hiked down to this beautiful beach. It was gorgeous and I loved the waves, even if they didn't necessarily love me back all the time ha ha 

At the top ready to hike down. It was windy, hence me fiddling with stray strands of hair lol 

It looked so small from far away

I couldn't seem to take a good picture at the beach ha ha 

And then we hiked back up to the top. It was a beautiful day!
When we got back we got to go to a Luau for dinner! It was delicious :)

Here's the whole gang

I got to make a lei bracelet

And sit by this cute guy the whole time :) 

This may have been my favorite part of dinner
Fire dancing
 And here is my favorite dance, Pat got picked and he was a good sport and I actually think he totally did the best out of everyone on the stage. I was super proud to be able to take a dancer home with me after the Luau ha ha

The next day we went to Mauna Kea and saw snow in Hawaii up at the observatory. Then we went to the Hilo side of the island and saw some gorgeous waterfalls which are my favorite! And we visited the Botanical Garden which was like a beautiful rain forest
Mauna Kea

I will count this as my official 18 week belly photo!
Oh and I don't remember which night it was but I totally had my first weird crazy pregnancy dream one night while we were in Hawaii. 

There was also this neat Banyan tree where the limbs grown out and then when they get long and get to the ground they start taking root in the ground and you get these crazy branches everywhere that form one big tree!

Here are some of my favorites from the botanical garden.

Pat caught a Gecko

We found a palm tree that was Pat's size

Pat making the same face as the statue

Wow I look preggo in this picture! :) 

There was a beautiful ocean vista view we sat there and watched the waves crash for like 15 minutes

Look how big the leaves about Pat's head are!
A pink pineapple!
 Not really, but that is what I thought it looked like 
And there were cute kitties by the last waterfall we saw! There were like 5 of them. I wanted to take one home but Pat said no

 It started raining like crazy right when we got out of the van to go see Akaka Falls. We were drenched in minutes.
Good thing I had an umbrella huh?
We were soaking wet! 
The next day we went to Hapuna Beach which is one of the top 5 Beaches in the U.S. and I think one of the top 10 in the world as well. It was a gorgeous beach area with lots of nice soft sand and we even saw a turtle super close while we were playing in the waves. 

Then after a day at the beach we went to a restaurant where we got to sit outside on the second level and Pat at a one pound burger! Then he helped everyone else finish their food ha ha It was ridiculous and the waitress couldn't believe that he could eat that much. That's my man what can I say?

The next day we went to the Place of Refuge.

They had these awesome off roading wheelchairs but we didn't have anyone to push in them lol 

 We saw a turtle! It was sleeping though.

Add caption
Pat pretending to jump on the turtle

So we were going to go to a green sand beach and then we all wanted to see a black sand beach. So we took this road that was supposed to go to a black sand beach. It ended up being a super long bumpy lava rock road. (Not the most comfortable for a prego lady, I'm pretty sure baby was like, what the heck is going on????). And it lead to a beach that looked kinda green and kinda black, but it wasn't a good beach to swim at. Oh well! Then we went to this place where you could snorkel and everyone got in and swam around and then it started raining so we called it a day. 

We found a car, er part of a car ha ha 

The next day we went shopping and Pat and I went to Magic Sands beach. It was a  pretty little beach and you could body surf on some of the waves. I couldn't really body surf though ha ha and I didn't want to try to much. But it was a nice little beach. 
So my one request was a really big snocone. I was going to get the biggest one they had, but then Pat and I went into this shop and the biggest one was  a Jumbo Size snocone for 20 bucks ha ha ha so I settled for a medium.

And we had to get a souvenir for baby while we were there :) 

Magic Sands Beach

It was such a fun trip I loved it! Thanks Lori and Terry for inviting us, we had so much fun!