The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Monday, June 29, 2015

30 Weeks and Maternity Pictures!

30 Weeks

Oh my goodness this week was so much fun. My sister got to come and visit and take maternity pictures for me! She did a wonderful job and I highly recommend her,and guess what?! If you mention the coupon code love10  and book your next photo shoot with her you will get $10 off your next session! Paige Photography

I got the cute baby shoes and then like 2 weeks later I found matching ones for me at a completely different store and I knew I just had to get them. I think it's adorable!

This is my "I'm tough, I am making a baby pose" lol 
I didn't take a picture of week 20 but you can compare to my 19 week baby bump here Weeks 18 and 19 and I'm even wearing the same pink shirt lol!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

30 Weeks

Oh my goodness you guys!

30 weeks down
10 to go ( or less who knows?! Just hopefully not more)

Weight Gain:  30 pounds. I haven't really gained weight the last couple of weeks but I can tell my stomach is still growing so that is good I think. And I'm starting to feel huge and cannot comprehend how my stomach will keep growing but I know it will. Baby is going to gain  a half a pound a week from here on out and will double or close to triple in size!!! Crazy huh?
Miss Anything?  Knowing what size of clothes fit me. I saw some super cute pants on sale at the store the other day and totally wanted to get them but have no idea what my size is anymore ha ha I resisted the urge to buy them don't worry.
Exercise: Still exercising away. Walking is my go to exercise and I try to get in at least half an hour a day. I usually take between 12000 and 15000 steps a day though, and I know that thanks to my awesome watch pedometer. Still doing resistance training several days a week but belly is definitely getting in the way for some exercises. I can still surprisingly do jump squats though  lol. Shouldn't my legs be super toned since I am carrying an extra 30 pounds around all the time??? I think it should work that way but somehow doesn't. Oh and I still take the stairs at work everyday wahoo. And I'm going to try to keep the goal of going to water aerobics once a week!
Sleep: Still sleeping pretty good but need to go to bed earlier. It's hard in the summer. And it is pretty funny because I sleep with literally like 6 pillows now. Sometimes they fall on the floor and I unintentionally steal Pat's pillows. Sorry hun. Needless to say I just make sure there are about 10 pillows around me before I go to bed.
Happy or Moody most the time? Happy lately
Fun moment from week: Taking maternity pictures with Paige and getting to hang out with her for the day in Logan. Also we got to visit Tooele for Father's day and see our parents and that was super nice. Pat got his first official Father's day gifts this year too. Paige and I made some flowers for my upcoming baby shower.

And in our Lamaze class Pat had to wear the empathy belly ha ha. He was a good sport about it though 

Looking forward to: My baby shower :)

Saturday, June 13, 2015

3rd Trimester!

28 Weeks

Okay so it's been a little while since my last blog post.
Yay we are officially in the 3rd Trimester.

I never wear leopard but this shirt is super comfy!

Weight Gain: 30 Pounds now
Miss Anything: Sleeping on my stomach and being comfortable in general :)
Exercise: Pretty good I've been good at walking and still do light weight training. I didn't exercise for like 3 days in a row though and felt crappy and so I definitely worked out the next day and my mood improved and I just felt way better. We are at the point where I can only do girl push ups now lol I think I mentioned that last week? And I think I will be waddling soon when I walk ha ha I am also starting to notice random bouts of fatigue come creeping back. Let it begin again I guess with the fatigue. Do most pregnant women exercise all the way up to 40 weeks or til they deliver???? I am curious to know. My Dr. says I have the green light as long as it is comfortable to do so. So that makes me happy that I can still do most things, with the exception of 99% of ab workouts, and deadlifts are getting a little difficult and I have to cut back on the weight of my dumbbells for arm exercises just because I don't want to strain my back, since my core isn't as strong or stable as it used to be and I am a little front heavy, especially when holding dumbbells lol. I am using 5-8 pound dumbbells for most all my exercises now. However, I can still use my 10 and 15 pound kettlebells for some exercises. I am writing this part mostly so I remember this for the next time I am pregnant btw!
Sleep: I'm starting to have a hard time getting comfortable and falling asleep, but when I am asleep I usually can stay asleep for most of the night. And I love my 4-5 pillows I use and then like half an hour later I don't want them and this cycle goes on all night probably lol. I usually fall asleep surrounded by pillows and wake up with half of them on the floor by the bed.
Happy or Moody most of the time? I think I have been pretty happy this week, but irritated if I am hungry or uncomfortable. I will try to do better at that this week.
Fun moment from this week: The Snocone shops are open yay!! Pat took me to get one the other day and it was delicious!!! I will be there all summer lol. And I went to water aerobics with a prego friend of mine and it was great. It felt so nice to get into the water and have all the extra weight off of my joints, and I could jog in the water lol, I haven't done anything like jogging for awhile so that was nice. Oh and she is moving lots and lots now and I can feel her up in my ribs and on my right side a lot and she likes to kick when I am trying to fall asleep or when I wake up before my alarm but don't want to be awake yet lol.
Craving anything? Fruit!! And anything cold, like milk and smoothies. This was my dinner the other night ha ha a whole plate of fruit!

Looking forward to: My maternity pictures that my sweet sister is going to take and my baby shower that is coming up!!!!

Oh and we got to go camping up Logan Canyon the other week with some great people it was fun. It was the first time I went camping and slept on an air mattress. It was actually really really comfortable I was just freezing!! I was so super cold, probably cuz the cold air that circulated around me cuz the air mattress. Other than that it was great though.

I was 26 weeks I think here