The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Monday, June 27, 2016

Camping and Richard's Hollow Hike

This last weekend we went camping with Brylianna for her very first time ever :) We went with another couple we are friends with and my twin sister. It was perfect weather and was nice and warm the whole time, we had a good shady area, and at night it wasn't too horribly cold. (I always get cold at night every time I go camping!) We went up Blacksmith Canyon up Left Hand Fork. It was good, but a little close to the road and a little busy, there were a lot of vehicles that drove by us. 

Brylianna loved staring at the trees and everything, and the fire too. I brought a tarp for her to crawl on, so she wouldn't get too dirty, but she crawled right off it the first time I set her down on it haha. So I held her a lot and she got lots of cuddles. When she is older I will let her get dirtier lol, but she she rubs her eyes and sucks on her hands way too much right now. She did okay taking naps in the tent, but I think there was just too much noise for her to nap really good. She did sleep pretty darn good at night though. It was funny she woke up when Pat got up and stared at him, so he went over and put her binky back in and she just flopped over on her back and stared at him and then went back to sleep, we both had the hardest time not busting up laughing. She had a hard time moving around in her little bodysuit we got her to stay warm in, she kept falling over in it when she tried to crawl lol, but she stayed pretty warm. We got it at DI for like 2 bucks and a cute little baby sleeping bag thing for like $3! Thrifting for the win!

Brylianna also did really good on the hike. Pat carried her in the backpack carrier the whole time. It was one of my favorite hikes we have gone on. It was only like 2-3 miles to a waterfall and we got to cross the river 3 times. It was a lot of fun. And it was beautiful. The only thing I didn't like about it was that the trail was shared with motorcycles and some places there wasn't a lot of room. Most of the bikers were fairly polite and courteous though. We stayed by the waterfall for awhile and headed back and Brylianna fell asleep on the way back, which is always just adorable for some reason. She was a great little happy camper and did so good on the hike, I am so constantly amazed at what a good baby she is! 

Excited to go camping and helping get stuff ready :) 
We set up her pack n play in the tent
Haha she was supposed to be napping. SO cute though! Look at that smile and she is sooo tall!
Someone got tired after we walked down to the river

Love them!
I also love the smell of campfire!

Snuggles with Aunty Paige

All bundled up for bed haha 

 On the Richard's Hollow Hike

This is at the top of the falls but you can't really tell

I LOVE waterfalls!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

9 months

Oh Brylianna you are such a cute little baby. 
Your little toes, you like to wiggle them and suck on them when you are in your car seat occasionally. 
Your little hands. They make the cutest sound when you crawl across the floor. They hold on tight to our fingers or cling to our t-shirts when you want to be held and cuddle. 
Your cute little smile, lights up a room and is never in short supply. You have a talent of smiling the widest smile ever and somehow still keep your binky in. Several people have commented on this ability of yours.
Your little giggle is the cutest sound in the whole wide world. Daddy makes you giggle the best. And you imitate other people when they laugh sometimes :) 
Your cute little teeth. You just got your 3rd one.
Your little happy bounce you do, when you are excited or when you see food is adorable and you just have so much excitement and joy you can't keep it all in that little body of yours.

You are starting to get the courage to try to switch from object to object around the house while standing. You went from the bench in our front room to a kitchen chair which is becoming quite normal. You even have the courage to only hold on with one hand sometimes. 

You have tried to stand up on the empty laundry bin and have fallen over backwards and bonked your head on the floor. Also your little walker. You are trying to climb into it sometimes now too, so I have to watch you extra carefully. 

You love crawling over to me when I am cooking or doing dishes and you always pull yourself up using my leg, my pant leg, skirt whatever. I have to make sure to wear a belt sometimes because of this habit of yours haha

You were so good at your 9 month checkup. Yay for no shots this time. I was super grateful. You are now 16 lbs 1 oz and 28 inches tall! You are in the 15th percentile for weight and 82 percentile for height. You are tall and skinny like your daddy.

You have been on lots of hikes with us! You are super good in the backpack carrier thing we got for you and you love to look around at nature. Our longest hike so far was 8 miles and you did awesome. 

You are SO loved. Sometimes when you bonk your head or cry your daddy and I race to pick you up first :) Yes you are a bit spoiled, but that is okay because you are such a good baby and genuinely sweet spirit and you made us parents and will always hold a special place in our hearts. 

Keep growing, keep smiling, keep giggling and being happy. We love you Brylianna. These past 9 months have flown by faster then we ever thought they would. ( I am wondering why these 9 months went so fast and why being pregnant for 9 months took FOREVER!) We are excited to see the sweet little girl you are becoming. 

Helping with laundry 

Skinny little legs

little feet 

I put a cup on top of my head and was rewarded with this face haha 

Daddy gave you a mohawk

I put a bow in it 

You love church and smiling at everyone. You get super tired when we get to Relief Society though. Daddy made you giggle in Sunday School today.