You are just the cutest and happiest baby girl ever still. You are starting to look more and more like a toddler and I just want to hold onto you forever and stop time :)
You still have 7 teeth
You are a momma's girl most the time. You still cry when I leave sometimes and you have started crying when I drop you off at nursery, but I know you really do love nursery.
You love other kids and babies still. You can say "baby" now and you say it so cutely. You call all other kids that even if they are older than you haha
You learned how to fold your arms in nursery and we pray everytime you fold your arms. You fold your arms when we sit down at the table and about 7 times throughout our meals and sometimes randomly during the day :) So we say lots of short prayers now which has actually been really awesome and helps us remember things we are grateful for.
You also say amen a lot of the times after a prayer. It is soooo cute and makes my momma heart happy.
You are super cuddly when you are tired and wrap your arms around me and it is adorable. Throughout the rest of the day you are a busy little girl and love exploring, making messes, and learning new things. You can say "up" when you want to be held and you say that a lot! Usually you say " up, up, up, up" several times right in a row.
You always giggle during prayers.
You can say "vroom vroom"
You are imitating so many things and you constantly amaze us at how smart you are.
You are mostly a champ at going up and down carpeted stairs now and like to do it just for fun again and again and again.
You blow kisses with one hand and with both hands sometimes
You always point to the picture of the Logan temple in your bedroom before a nap, so I am trying to teach you how to say temple.
You can stand for a couple seconds by yourself and still walk while holding onto something, but you are getting braver at trying to go to things farther away. You have taken a couple of steps, but always go right down to your knees because you know crawling is faster.
You still haven't really been sick except for last Christmas when you got your first cold which has been SUCH a blessing!
You don't like to be spoon fed baby food anymore and we don't blame you. We are trying to teach you to use a spoon.
You are the sweetest little angel and we are so glad we get to have you be a part of our family. We love you Brylianna!
You were the cutest little cow for Halloween |
First pony ride :) |
Our little aggie |
We went on lots of walks this month. Aunty Paige and Grandma and Grandpa Hollien came and visited. We also got to see Aunt Kim, Uncle Jimmy and your cousins Savannah, Terrance, Conway, Adney, and Felise :) We went to the ward Halloween party and you seemed confused at all the people dressed up lol.
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