The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Thursday, March 16, 2017

18 months

Oh where does the time even go? Some days last forever, but months and years seem to go by all too fast!
Brylianna is 18 months old now, our big girl. She can say so many words now and understands things we ask her to do and questions and she is developing her own little personality and attitude. The other week she even knew what was said two different times when we spelled words! Holy cow, was NOT ready for that already haha The other day we said Hey do you want to watch a m-o-v-i-e? and she looked up at us and said excitedly "Movie!" and walked towards the tv room, it was so funny and Pat and I just looked at each other like what just happened? We don't even watch that many movies, she just loves them.
And the other day at nursery in church they said they spelled the word "Cookie" and she knew what they were saying then too. So she is either extremely smart or just loves her cookies and movies :)

Tantrums are starting but haven't been too bad yet. She never wants to sit still, loves being outside, loves yogurt, other babies and kids still, can give high fives and knuckles, she is figuring out how to ride the little four wheeler my dad bought her, she likes riding on the tractor at Grandpa Hollien's with dad or grandpa as well. She loves the bath tub now. She has just started laying on her tummy during the day when reading a book or playing with toys and will kick her legs. It is so cute.

We just bought her a pair of sunglasses and she loves them and wants to wear them everyday. She is getting good at recognizing animals and can name a lot of animal sounds correctly. She still sleeps about 12 hours at night and take around a 1 and 1/2 - occasional 3 hour nap during the day from about 1-3 or so.

She loves animals and will run at cats or dogs and hold her arms our and motion them to come here with her hands by opening and closing them with her palms up. It's pretty adorable.

Starting to hate going to the Dr's. Had her first dentist appointment though and did great.

She hasn't had a blowout in like 6 months and pooped all over her dress at church during sacrament meeting the other day. Of course I wasn't prepared, but I at least had a onesie she could wear the rest of church with her jacket on lol. And I ran out of wipes cleaning her up and another sweet mother in the mother's lounge let me borrow a couple more wipes. Thank goodness for kind people.

Oh and we had a crazy winter with SO much snow. Probably the most snow we have had since we have lived here.

We love you Brylianna! We are so excited to keep watching you learn and grow and are so grateful for the love and joy you bring into our lives ;)

Brylianna giving cousin Felise a hug 
Helping cook in my Grandma Hollien's apron

She loves pointing to everything in books and having us name all the different things

We found out Brylianna is getting a little BROTHER! ;)
( We found out like 7 weeks ago, I am just behind blogging)

"I'm getting a brother?? :) " 
She just looks so cute in winter clothes and these adorable pink boots! 

1st outdoor walk of the year yay!

I was in the kitchen one day and turned around because Brylianna was clapping and she was just sitting in this drawer haha
I was in the kitchen and turned around and Brylianna just climbed into this drawer and sat there and started clapping haha 

We went to Erda for Spring Break and on the way I had to pee so we stopped at a Chick fil a and they were like doing Cake with the Cow mascot and Brylianna kept Moo-ing at it ( haha) and then one of the nice managers gave her this little book (We didn't even buy anything we literally just used their restroom, I felt so bad!) But Brylianna loved it and read the book almost the whole way we had left. 

She loved running around outside, and riding the tractor and her little four wheeler!

Wanting to go back outside always 

Sometimes the most entertaining thing on road trips is yourself lol 

So precious

One of my all time favorite pictures :) Oh my heart 

Watching a movie with one sock on 

Check out that cute little attitude!
I just love them 

Treasuring moments

"I constantly go between wanting you to stay my baby forever and being excited about all of the amazing things you will do in this life"
This quote describes how I feel right now perfectly. I am trying my hardest to treasure all of the moments we have left with just us and Brylianna before baby brother gets here, but I know our hearts will just grow and we won't be able to picture our life not as a family of 4 soon!

Brylianna has been a momma's girl a lot lately which I love but is also hard somedays. She wants to be held a lot and my back is starting to hurt and I just got into the 3rd trimester of pregnancy yay! But I am going to try harder to appreciate little moments and soak them in because I know she won't always fit in my arms or want to sit on my lap and I want to enjoy those precious times.

These pictures are from when Brylianna was only 10 months old! I don't think I ever posted them and I just love them so much. It is just crazy how fast kids grow since she is 18 months old now.

Showing her the ducks

And here are some good ones that my sister took :)