The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Treasuring moments

"I constantly go between wanting you to stay my baby forever and being excited about all of the amazing things you will do in this life"
This quote describes how I feel right now perfectly. I am trying my hardest to treasure all of the moments we have left with just us and Brylianna before baby brother gets here, but I know our hearts will just grow and we won't be able to picture our life not as a family of 4 soon!

Brylianna has been a momma's girl a lot lately which I love but is also hard somedays. She wants to be held a lot and my back is starting to hurt and I just got into the 3rd trimester of pregnancy yay! But I am going to try harder to appreciate little moments and soak them in because I know she won't always fit in my arms or want to sit on my lap and I want to enjoy those precious times.

These pictures are from when Brylianna was only 10 months old! I don't think I ever posted them and I just love them so much. It is just crazy how fast kids grow since she is 18 months old now.

Showing her the ducks

And here are some good ones that my sister took :) 

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