The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Broken bones

Sweet brave little Brylianna broke her arm this past Sunday 😥
It was so so sad. She fell down some stairs because she was super excited to put her pink dress on and go to church. (What a little sweetheart) 
I picked her up and she just kept crying and crying and telling me her right wrist hurts. She kept saying "Mommy my wrist hurts" so I thought something must be wrong cuz she is normally pretty good at not being sad for too long after bumps and bruises. 
So we decided to take her to an instacare. Luckily it happened at about noon and an instacare close by opened at 1pm. I have never been so happy to find a place open on a Sunday lol. 
So we took her and she loved playing with the toys in the waiting room and seemed pretty happy. Then we went back and she got some x Ray's done. 
She did really good. Pat went with her to get x Ray's and I stayed in another room.with Corbin. He said she put her arm up and held still and did good and listened for the beep of the machine. But the first time she moved her arm right when it took it, but after that she did good. And she got a scrape on her knee the other day and she kept trying to put her knee up on the table and saying " picture of my knee" haha cuz we told her we needed a picture of her arm lol! 

It turns out her radius (the big bone) in her right arm buckled but didn't break all of the way. When kids are you get their bones are still kind of pliable and not as hard and stiff as adults. 
So it was good we went in cuz if she would've fallen on it without protection it could've broken all the way pretty easily. 

On Wednesday we went to the Orthopedic and he said she should be good in about 2 weeks cuz kids are like super heroes and heal really fast. 

She is already running and jumping on things and is much happier most the time then she was on Sunday. She has got to watch a lot of movies lately and eaten lots of cheese, yogurt, milk, and ice cream per Dr's orders so she is pretty happy about those things! 
We love our sweet little girl and it is hard to see little kids get hurt, but she is handling things like a champ 😃 ❤️ ( Maybe this will prepare me for raising a boy right?)

Waiting in the cute kid play room at the Orthapedics

Lake Blanche hike Fall 2017

Last Saturday we hiked the Lake Blanche hike up Big Cottonwood canyon with Paige and Jamie.
Pat had looked it up online and it said it was a good, scenic moderate hike. It was 6 miles round-trip and it was inclined the whole entire hike basically, I think it gained 3,000 Feet in elevation over the 3 miles up). Pat carried Brylianna the whole time ( she is getting pretty big,) and I carried Corbin. ( He is almost 16 pounds now!) Let's just say this not even 4 months post partum momma was not quite up to this level yet lol.
My legs were burning on the way up and I needed quite a few breaks. It was a beautiful Fall day though and the leaves were all turning beautiful colors and the air was crisp and fresh.

The trail was really busy and there were a lot of people. Part way up everyone kept telling us there was a moose ahead just off the trail. We finally got to the spot where it was and it was just laying about 20-25 feet to the right of the trail. I have never been so close to a moose in my life! It was super neat and scary at the same time! The moose stood up while we were watching it and we were like " Okay Definitely time to go!" So we continued on the trail pretty quickly. Moose kill more people each year than a lot of other wildlife do. They are very territorial and underestimated. They can move FAST when they want to.

We ate some snacks part way up and let Brylianna play a bit. She was so cute and saying Hi! to everyone we passed.
People we're quite encouraging/amazed/impressed at the sight of me and Pat each carrying a kiddo up the trail. It was funny to hear everyone's comments and words of encouragement which I totally appreciated 😄

We finally made it to the top and there was a super cute scenic lake. We ate lunch and Paige and Jamie set up their hammock and relaxed. Brylianna ran around ☺️ and I layed on the ground to stretch my back out. My neck and back were killing me from front carrying Corbin and craning my neck to look around Corbin to see the ground and constantly going uphill.
But it was beautiful!

We stayed there for awhile and then started heading back. It is always amazing to me to look back and so how far you have hiked. ( I also always have way more admiration for the pioneers!)
I have had knee issues in my past and they bug me when I go down steep hills or when my legs get really fatigued (both of which were happening lol) so my knees hurt a lot on the way back so I had to take more breaks than I thought I would.  Not to me too, after you have a baby your  joints and ligaments  are still loose/weak for a while post partum. Pat was also super sweet and carried BOTH kiddos for a lot of the way back down! Yeah he is pretty much super dad.
All in all it was a great day and even though it was more difficult then expected it was fun and we couldn't help but have that feeling of accomplishment you get after doing something difficult. I love nature and going on our family hikes, especially during Fall with all of the beauty it brings.

If you know of any hikes in Utah I would love suggestions for what hike we should do next!

Finally at the top at Lake Blanche

We had to get a picture by twin peaks

Donut Falls hike

We got to go hiking the past couple weeks because Fall is gorgeous, I love being outside, and we need to take Brylianna hiking while she still fits in the carrier so we can do some harder hikes lol.
It is just a good cheap way to get outdoors, appreciate nature, have some quality family time without phones or TV etc, and get a good workout in!

A couple weeks ago we hiked donut falls up Big Cottonwood canyon and it was beautiful. We couldn't get all the way to the falls though cuz the water level was high cuz it snowed earlier that week and we were both carrying a kiddo. So it was a bit unwise to attempt. But it was still a neat hike. It was about 3 miles. We also went up to Silver lake farther up the canyon which is just a short loop around a beautiful lake and has a boardwalk the whole way around it.
Brylianna fell as we were just walking away from the car and hit her face on the sidewalk and cut her lip a little bit. Poor little girl, we felt pretty bad. And it was past naptime. But she said she still wanted to walk around the lake so we did.

I carried Corbin in a front carrier and he slept most the time. He was super cute and loved looking around at everything when he was awake though. He is such a good little baby. I loved carrying him and snuggling him the whole day and he did really good!

Even though outings are a ton of work with little kids I will cherish these family memories forever 🙂
Donut Falls

Corbin's 1st time seeing snow