The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Donut Falls hike

We got to go hiking the past couple weeks because Fall is gorgeous, I love being outside, and we need to take Brylianna hiking while she still fits in the carrier so we can do some harder hikes lol.
It is just a good cheap way to get outdoors, appreciate nature, have some quality family time without phones or TV etc, and get a good workout in!

A couple weeks ago we hiked donut falls up Big Cottonwood canyon and it was beautiful. We couldn't get all the way to the falls though cuz the water level was high cuz it snowed earlier that week and we were both carrying a kiddo. So it was a bit unwise to attempt. But it was still a neat hike. It was about 3 miles. We also went up to Silver lake farther up the canyon which is just a short loop around a beautiful lake and has a boardwalk the whole way around it.
Brylianna fell as we were just walking away from the car and hit her face on the sidewalk and cut her lip a little bit. Poor little girl, we felt pretty bad. And it was past naptime. But she said she still wanted to walk around the lake so we did.

I carried Corbin in a front carrier and he slept most the time. He was super cute and loved looking around at everything when he was awake though. He is such a good little baby. I loved carrying him and snuggling him the whole day and he did really good!

Even though outings are a ton of work with little kids I will cherish these family memories forever 🙂
Donut Falls

Corbin's 1st time seeing snow

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