The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Sunday, February 11, 2018


Corbin you are almost 8 months old we can't believe it! You are working on your 2nd tooth, you have been crawling for awhile and are getting super fast. You can climb stairs for a week now and can go up a whole flight all by yourself, I'm amazed since you haven't even been crawling for a month yet! You climb one stair and then look back and me and smile really big like "mom did you see that?!) 😂 🙂😍 It is super cute. You are also babbling more now and saying a lot of waa sounds which is cute too .You are still the most adorable smiley sweet baby ever. I LOVE how happy you are, it just lights up our lives and everyone's who meets you. You are giving us the cutest giggles lately and you love your big sister and just want to crawl after her. You crawl after mom (me) around the house and you cried the other day and crawled right up to the bathroom door when I was in the bathroom the other day. I love that whenever I get on the floor you crawl right over to me and do this cute excited breathing thing and just crawl into me and all over me as much as you can with your cute toothless smiles until I pick you up. You are super active and wiggly and fast! You are a busy boy! You love food and get so excited Everytime we feed you. You love puffs and finger food especially. You still don't sleep through the night and we are super exhausted. Pat has been staying up with you a lately and has been so sweet.  You have started crying and resisting everytime we put you in your carseat which we hope passes fast! We love you SO much Corbin. You are so very loved!! ♥️♥️♥️

Climbing stairs like a champ

You have learned to nap in the swing pretty good, now if you could just sleep at night! 

Hot tubbing with daddy

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