The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Sunday, October 13, 2019

My 30th birthday!

My 30th birthday was wonderful! Can't believe I am the big 3, O ! Pat made me a fun waffle breakfast and we adventures to pipe springs to check it out. 
I finally went sledding down the big dune! 😂 ( with the help of a very sweet friend) 
Someone had conveniently written 30 in the sand already so I had to go get a picture by it! 
And we went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant. Brylianna wanted to pray when our food came and said a cute prayer and a nice gentleman at another table came over and complimented her and us on her sweet prayer. 
I also took the kiddos and went back to Tooele to celebrate with Paige and some good friends. It was funny I made us a tropical bday cake and it stayed good the whole drive yay! 
We also got to go to a fun escape room in Park City with my parents and Paige and Jamie. It was travel themed and we barely barely barely made it out just as the buzzer was saying time was up, we opened the door! It was awesome. It was a really fun, well put together escape room! We had a blast and got some yummy caramel apples afterwards! 
Here's to my 30's! 😀 Grateful for all the sweet people in my life ❤️

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

My Dad's birthday

My mom and dad got to come visit us for my Dad's birthday! 🙂 He turned 64 and we sang the Beatles song all weekend. We got to play in the sand and drive in the dunes and explore peek-a-boo canyon together. My mom even went sand sledding too 🙂 and we also got to eat hot dogs and have a fire and eat outside. It was fun and we are so glad they got to come play! 

Buhr family reunion

My husband's family had their family reunion in Logan this year and it was so fun to go see family and revisit our old stomping grounds.
I love Logan, it is such a beautiful family friendly fun place. Everything seemed so green there, coming from the desert now 😂
We got to stay at the cutest bed and breakfast The old rock church. And we found out someone who used to be out neighbor in Logan managed it now.
They got a blow up bouncy slide for the kids and Brylianna loved playing with her cousins on it. Corbin didn't care to go down it. He did ride of fish that was at the bottom of it though 😂
The kids were snuck way way way too many sweets. We got to catch up with people we see not nearly often enough. And stayed up too late most nights.
One morning I woke up early and jogged my absolute favorite trail in Logan. It is the river trail up Logan canyon and it was absolutely gorgeous! It rained on me the whole 4 miles but it was so much fun, I loved it. I got soaked, but it was worth it. It was so pretty and so peaceful.
The rooms at the b&b were all decorated and different and cute and each room had a jetted tub. I think our room was cottage themed. We also had two shower heads in our shower and it was luxurious.
We put Corbin's pack n play in the bathroom in hopes of him sleeping better in there cuz it was dark and less noisy. He had such a hard time going to sleep and did not nap the whole time! I had to rock him to sleep every night for about half an hour and sing to him. I was so so grateful that we had a rocking chair in our room. I just moved it to the bathroom and sang and rocked him to sleep and it brought back so many memories from when he was a baby ❤️❤️
All in all we had a wonderful time.