The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Alaskan Inn

What do you do when you really want/need a getaway?! And you can't go anywhere warm because of the darn zika virus and those trips are generally expensive?
You celebrate your anniversary 4 months early and do a getaway anyways :)

Pat and I decided to take a one night little getaway in celebration of our Anniversary this year since I will be 9 months pregnant in May and Pat will be graduating and we could possibly be packing up everything and moving depending on where Pat applies and gets a job to in the spring.
We always take turns planning our Anniversary every year and this year was my turn ( I think this is such a fun tradition to take turns planning!)
Also when you are parents it is a LOT harder to be spontaneous lol! You can't just go anywhere whenever you want to. So we decided to go to a cute little Inn in Ogden called the Alaskan Inn. It it in Ogden canyon and it is a super cute little bed and breakfast! Some of our good friends watched Brylianna.
They have these cute themed rooms and if you get the more expensive ones you have your own little cabin. They are all themed in Alaska and outdoor themes like the Northern lights, Fishing, or wildlife. We stayed in the Bears den. It was adorable and they had all these cute bears in our room!
Also they have the most amazing breakfast, it was the only place I have been to that serves eggless pancakes! They were super fluffy and good too! This is a big deal for a prego lady who is allergic to eggs. It was delicious. They also had some super yummy hot chocolate.
Normally I am all for warm weather and palm tree vacations, but I actually really LOVED the cozy cabin in the winter and snow coming down the whole time we were there.

I am so grateful for Pat and all that he does for me and our little family. He is really the sweetest guy in the whole wide world and I don't tell him that enough and I am so grateful for his patience with my pregnant, crazy mom, moody self. I am so glad that he is such a good sport and up for doing things like this with me and building memories and going on little adventures.
It snowed all night it was very appropriate weather for being at the Alaskan Inn

I love this man right here 

Cheers! With gatorade cuz we don't drink alcohol or sparkling cider lol 
We went out to dinner at this fun Mexican place called the Sonoro grill.
This was a chimichanga but with sweet pork and coconut rice. I actually like what Pat ordered better!

Hot chocolate with breakfast :) and it snowed 1 foot overnight and was still snowing. They ended up canceling classes for USU and Logan canyon was closed, and Pat didn't have to go to class that day so it was awesome.
Here is a better view. I just love the big snow covered trees, I think they look so pretty!


We saw a waterfall in Ogden Canyon on the way out and some of it was frozen but some was still falling, it look gorgeous. I got an awesome picture of it close up but accidentally deleted it! 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

January 2017

Brylianna is 16 months old and as cute as ever. She is starting to have some tantrum moments. She giggles so good and her laugh just gets cuter and cuter. She is so smart. We counted the other week and she has a vocabulary of about 22 words ( in baby calendar) and that list grows every week. She loves the grocery store and waves and says Hi to everyone, sooooo cute! She finally got brave enough to take a bath in the tub instead of the sink this week, hallelujah. She was starting to splash way too much and get water everywhere in our tiny kitchen.
She loves her momma and her daddy.
I am 19 weeks pregnant and we get to find out the gender this Friday yay! I think I am starting to get a bit of sciatica on the left side. That is a new experience. Also sometimes when I bend down while holding Brylianna or walking with her to the car etc I have a pain in the right side of my stomach, I think it is just moving that way with weaker abdominals, but I will need to be careful, a hernia or something would be horrible. All in all this pregnancy has gone pretty well just like with Brylianna's. I am still able to be active each day.
Weight gain about 9 lbs
Maternity clothes all the way. I live for comfort when pregnant lol
Starting to wonder when I should take my wedding ring off so my fingers don't swell, I did earlier with Brylianna but was pregnant all summer with her.
Missing walks outside
I think I had heartburn the other night
Having vivid dream ( weird pregnancy symptom but common)
Baby is super active at night especially right before bed and we can feel those kicks. Pat felt quite a few the other day.
I'm still going back and forth on the gender. I really feel like it could be a boy or girl, but it changes like daily lol! Most days I feel like it is another girl though, but I will put in my final guess before Friday when we find out :)

This little girl loves being outside. All her snow stuff is a tiny bit too big for her right now though

We took the Christmas lights down this month finally

We tried making homemade baby safe play dough and this recipe wasn't the greatest so we will continue trial and error with that

 We went over to Tom and Wendy's and they had this adorable play kitchen and Brylianna absolutely loved that she could reach everything!! :) So cute!

Watching daddy shovel snow

Last January and this January. She has gotten so big!! 

18 weeks!

For one of my health coaching challenge groups I encouraged everyone to take before picture, so as their coach I had to do it too lol Even if the only thing that can be seen will be my growing belly!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Buhr Family Christmas Pictures 2016

Brylianna 15 months old
Me 15 weeks prego with Baby Buhr #2

Christmas 2016

Where to even start? It's already been a month since I last blogged!
December has been so great! Started it out by going to see going to dinner and going to see The Forgotten Carols with my mom and my sissy, it has been a fun girl's night tradition in our family for awhile, but we haven't been able to go all together the last year or two! I loved it!

Pat had a nice little break from school this year so we got to go visit both of our families for Christmas break for almost 2 weeks. His brother and his family were up from Texas, and his sister and her 5 kiddos were also visiting. It was so nice to see everyone. I am lucky I have awesome in laws :)

We went to see the lights at Temple Square, it was one of the warmest times I have ever been to see the lights out of all of the past years. And all of the kids loved riding the Trax.
Brylianna got to play in the snow and loved it and cried when she was brought inside. ( She must take after her dad on that one ;)
Brylianna got spoiled for Christmas. Her favorite toys are her little xylophone, and her electronic four wheeler from Grandpa Hollien. She even figured out how to make it go all by herself. Not even 2 and she is already driving!
We all got kinda sick over the break, that seems to be a tradition the past several years as well unfortunately. When you have so many people together, it is hard not to get sick. I haven't been sick since last Christmas!
We took family pictures with Pat's family and had a fun day playing in the gym and watching movies in the library and making gingerbread houses :)
We had church on Christmas day so we went to church, and had Christmas after everyone's meetings were over, it was weird not having it first thing in the morning, but it was nice to focus on the Savior and the reason for the season and feel the spirit on Christmas day.
We played lots and lots of games with both families and had a wonderful time! Sure do love our families and are grateful that we can all be together forever someday.

SO much difference a year makes!

Pat with all the adorable babies!!! Awwww my heart! :) 
Brylianna loves all of her cousins so much! ( She is with cousin Heidi in this pic) 

Brylianna and Adney on the princess bed

Dancing with daddy by the Christmas tree

She is so close to outgrowing sink baths, but oh so cute!

Reading with Grandpa Hollien

Opening her big present

She loved it!

I'll just take a nap under the tree

With Aunty Paige 
So tired from so much fun

I am 16 weeks prego and we felt a kick over Christmas break! Well I felt more than one I think there was a somersault that happened too. We have our gender reveal ultrasound schedule and are so excited! 

Love this little family of mine :)