The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Saturday, September 30, 2017

2 kids 2 and under

2 kids 2 and under
Lots of slobbery kisses
Lots of diapers
Little hands and little feet 
Sleepy smiles
Busy days 
Exhausted but happy 

Oh I never want to forget these precious moments with our little family of 4. They are full of sleep deprivation, tantrums, tons of diapers to change, small bank accounts, lots of patience, giggles, smiles, and memories that will be cherished. Yes it is hard to have 2 little ones so close in age ( 21 months apart) Yes some days I want to pull my hair out ( but it is already falling out due to postpartum hair loss) Some days I don't shower, some days I don't sit down to eat or eat food while it is still hot. Some days I really just do not want to change one more diaper. But it is totally worth it. 
Children have a special way of making life speed up, making some things harder and busier. More appointments to go to. More things to do each day. More needs. But they also bring more happiness, more joy, and more love into your heart and home than you could ever imagine :) 
I love being a mom. It has taught me so much already in just over 2 years. Babies are so pure and innocent and precious. 
Children also have a wonderful way of slowing life down. 
Slow down so that little legs can keep up
Slow down to explain every little detail of what is happening
Slow down to understand why there are tears and what will make it better
Slow down to wait while little hands want to buckle their own seatbelt even though we are already late going somewhere
Slow down in the middle of cooking dinner while cleaning the kitchen to listen to a little voice say "Watch this mommy" or a little hand tugging on a leg and a sweet voice saying "Hold you" ( Meaning Brylianna wants to be held.0
Slow down to just hold a sleeping baby all day in spite of dishes that need to be done, floors that need mopped and swept, counters cleaned, laundry done, rooms vacuumed, food prepared, workouts to be finished, books to be read. 

Slow down to enjoy this busy time of life, for it is already speeding by faster than I ever thought possible. Some days are long, but the years sure are short 

Demands of this world constantly want me to do more, more and more, say I am not getting enough done, and not accomplishing much in these years of my life. But I know better. I know that motherhood is the most important work I will ever do. I know the most important things will happen inside of our home. I know that parenthood is a divine calling and brings great joy that is lasting, unlike temporary joys of the world. I know that right now life is busy but it is good :) 

What are your favorite things about having children or being a parent? I would love to hear! 

Monday, September 11, 2017

Snowbird 2017

We got to go up to Snowbird for a weekend with my family for my Dad's work retreat. It was super fun. It was nice and cool up in the mountains and was a great break from all the 90 degree weather we have been having. It was beautiful up there and our room was super nice. Brylianna kept sayin " I like the room!" She loved jumping on the beds and turning the little lamps on and off. 
We got to go swimming that night and hot tub. We also ate at a Mexican restaurant and it was surprisingly spicy and I needed much sour cream to finish my food. I am a wimp when it comes to spicy stuff. 
That night I got super sick and was sick the rest of the trip, but luckily I was still able to do things and participate in most everything. We got to ride a lot of the rides, we did the alpine slide, a mountain coaster, the zipline I think it was called the vertical drop, and Brylianna and Corbin got to ride the chair lift and the tram. My dad was awesome and did several of the rides too! :) 
Brylianna was just 4 inches too short for most of the rides and that will probably be like the only time in her life she is too short for stuff since she is pretty tall for her age. Pat was super dad and did so much to help and Paige and Jamie were awesome and helped a lot with the kiddos so we could trade off doing the rides. It was such a nice weekend, it rained part of the time we were there and the air was so nice and fresh and crisp. ( Not including the smell of beer once Oktoberfest started) 

Pat and I brought tons of food and we even brought a microwave with us because that is how we afford to eat at 4 star hotels haha 

The view from the room

I don't know where I would be without him

Little brother

Ready for adventure! She actually loves riding in the Poco and did soooo good all day :) 

Paige and Jamie ready for the zipline

Super excited she got her very own cookie

Love making memories with my little family. This is on the tram on the way up!

Dad of the year :)
He carried them both cuz I wasn't feeling good for part of the time 

Paige and Jamie got married and Corbin's baby blessing

Paige and Jamie got married and had a beautiful sealing and a gorgeous reception at my parent's backyard. They had beautiful decor and an awesome food truck too. It was a beautiful evening and we are so happy for them. It was a wonderful day. 

Decor prep

Pat built the arbor isn't it awesome? If anyone else wants one he is your man lol 

At the SLC temple where we got sealed too 

 Corbin got blessed the Sunday after the wedding. It was neat. It said he will be a good helper to his siblings. I was like oh okay I guess that means we will at least have one other kid, good to know! lol But really he has the sweetest little personality and is such an angel baby. It said some other neat things too. We love him so much and were so grateful for all the friends and family that came to celebrate the happy day :)

Brylianna is 2

We got to go to a SLC Bee's game with both of our parents. It was Corbin's first baseball game and I think it was Brylianna's 2nd. She got to ride the train and she gave the Bee a high five ( On her second try, she was scared the first time!) The Bee's lost but it was still a fun game. 

I can't believe it but Brylianna turned 2! She is at such a cute stage and age. She is just adorable and has the sweetest little voice. She talks so well and says "Mommy watch this." And " I love you too" She says Daddy so cutely. She also says "Hang on buddy" when Corbin cries. She loves to go outside, swing at parks, go swimming, yogurt, craisins, cream cheese, sour cream, watching movies ( Moana is a favorite right now) , she loves her cousins, Grandma and Grandpa's and Aunts and Uncles, and she loves to explore. She also sings along to a lot of the songs we sing to her for naptime and bedtime and it is just adorable. She is such a smart little girl and has a great memory. We love you so so much Brylianna, you are a little light in our lives. 

2  going on 12
And her new birthday shoes

On the train

Riding home from the game, she fell asleep with her churro :) 

Breakfast on her birthday
 One year ago! She has grown so much!

She loves her daddy