The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Halloween 2017

For Halloween we went to the trunk or treat in Erda with my parents and Paige and Jamie and Katie and Gordon ( Nathan was away in Las Vegas for a work thing)
Brylianna got to wear her dress that Grandma and Grandpa Hollien brought her all the way from Austria Switzerland. She was so cute. I threw together a bunch of random clothes ( including a maternity shirt) that kinda looked similar to hers. And Corbin was a little walrus cuz let's be honest he is cute in anything and Holidays are all about kids anyways once you have them :)
It was Brylianna's first time tunk or treating and learning how to say trick or treat. She loved it of course cuz she loves candy. And Paige and Jamie decorated their car super cute.
It was a fun night.
I'm glad we can be around family for the Holidays this year and that Brylianna could have fun memories with family.
And it is fun because I grew up going to the trunk or treat in Erda a lot of years too.

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