The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Monday, October 8, 2018

Halloween carnival/ Fun mom on a budget

Our Ward did a Halloween carnival that we got to go to .It was on a Tuesday night so Pat was at training but we still had fun. We found Brylianna and Corbin's costumes at DI and we later found out that Brylianna's sings! Win win! And Corbin just "rawrs!" So good and he grabbed this and rawred and wouldn't let go so I had to get him the tiger one 😂
I got my pants from DI and my shirt from Walmart. And I made my accessories for just over $2! I want to be a fun mom and dress up but we are on a budget so this all came together perfectly I think

The carnival was adorable. They had the kids go to all different games and got candy at each one, fishing, marble racing, balloon popping (bryBrylia plugged her ears Everytime a blloonb went off) and a photo booth and lots of cute stuff! I was impressed and grateful Brylianna could have such a fun time 🙂

She was so excited she slept with this bucket for 3 nights 😂

I got this too cuz it was so cuddly and cute and $2 and I figure it will be fun for a dress up box ! 

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