We got to go to Chinle Arizona because Pat had a couple days off in a row and visit some of the places Pat got to go to on his mission. So we had the best your guide. There are some fun places there that I had no idea existed!
The kiddos were pretty good, it was about a 4 hour drive and they both did great. And it has been a year with lots of rain so everything actually was pretty green and looked gorgeous. Pat said it is the greenest he has ever seen the Rez.
Corbin was so crazy in our hotel room. He was obsessed with the phone and kept trying to make phone calls and push buttons and grab the alarm clock. Goodness lol. We had fun though. I always always love traveling anywhere with our cute little family, it is a lot of work but it is just fun too!
We did some cool overlooks and hiked the 3 turkey hikes which was along the bottom of a canyon and it was really cool! It was amazing that Pat remembered how to get to this hike.
She had to empty sand out of her shows 857,000 times during our hike
We heard a bunch of loud noise that Corbin though was airplanes but I said it sounded like thunder. We rounded a corner and saw a bunch of dark thunder clouds. Needless to say we booked it back to the car because we were in the bottom of the wash for the hike and would rather it not flood while we were in it. The road driving out was super slippery and Pat handled it like a champ.
Brylianna slept the whole crazy rainy slippery drive out haha
We went swimming when we got back 🙂
This picture is fuzzy but I love the moment of it and the memories of just snuggling with my precious kids on the hotel bee eating popcorn and watching movies after a long fun day ❤️
Next day the White House hike. It's one of the only ways to get down to the bottom of the canyon. It had super steep sides and dropoffs and made me nervous with the little sweet kiddos. But they did so good.
Corbin loved watching the Jeep's cross the river. They both did.
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