August 5th 2020
Rewind to August 4th at 6am I had consistent contractions for 4 hours every 20 min, then just randomly throughout the day. I thought it was going to maybe happen but no. Just getting ready. Grandma Hollien cam down on Sunday to be here ( despite some car tire trouble) thank goodness, we are happy she is here.
Wednesday August 5th
I went to bed thinking that tonight was probably going to be the night. My babies have all come after two consecutive nights of basically no sleep. I got a little over an hour of sleep and the woke up at 1:44am with my contractions being consistent. I got out of bed at 2am and got ready, and I let Pat sleep until 3 am and told him it was time. My contractions were 3-5 minutes apart and picking up in intensity. I was nervous of when to go being so far from a hospital ( hour and a half about) We packed up and I asked Pat for a blessing ( I always get one before labor and it is always so comforting to me and special) In my blessing he said that I would be blessed with strength and stamina ( I did and did not want to be blessed with stamina) for the difficult task ahead, I would be blessed in my desire to become a Heavenly Mother, I would be able to communicate with Pat and the nurses, I would be able to care for all of my children, and love baby, and I would be blessed to heal and get back to my routines quickly because I follow the Word of Wisdom and I thought that part was really neat. Then we woke up my mom and told her and headed to the hospital. Pat drove so sweet and careful on the bumpy parts which are extremely uncomfortable when you are in labor, and we made it around 5 am to the hospital. We checked in ( past all the Covid stuff) and were given face masks to wear etc. We got to the triage room and they checked me, I was still only at a 1 but 8- percent effaced. So we had an hour we had to wait to see if I progressed. And the nursewnurse told me I had really nice skin and she was amazed I didn't have stretch marks lol. I was at a 2 an hour later and still 80% effaced. So I got to be taken to a room ( 6am) yay! We got taken to a delivery room ( N211) and it even had a huge tub which I wanted to try but never did cuz I would've had to keep the water below a monitor so it wasn't really deep enough to cover my belly and back anyways. Then we just waited for me to progress which I did, just slow and steady. Once I was there I started getting back labor which I always do because of the way my babies face. And it is no joke. Pat was sweet to help do counter pressure and massage my back during contractions. I alternated from the bed to standing and had to pee fairly often. They let me have water and ice chips and I even kept applesauce down so that was good. Pat was so sweet and helpful as always, he's amazing, and I could never deliver our babies without epidurals without him. Around 11:30am or noon I started fentanyl doses so I could save some energy and rest through contractions. They asked if I wanted my water broke but I didn't feel like my body was ready yet because I wasn't dilated very far. Pat went to the cafeteria to get something to eat. Our nurse Vicki was really sweet and stayed with me while he was gone. ( You were only allowed one person anyways to be with you because of covid restrictions btw and you couldn't change who was with you once you checked in during your hospital stay) My contractions were getting harder and harder and i was getting hard back labor by now.
Finally at 4:30pm I was dilated around a 6 and I made the decision to have Dr. Brown, the on call Dr, break my water. ( 14 hours by now) My contractions immediately picked up in intensity and were super hard to get through. Pat and the nurse were so helpful. I had a hard time breathing through contractions and freaked out and yelled at some of them. There was so much pressure from back labor how she was turned it was intense. She came hard and fast. I asked the nurse to help me do different breathing techniques and they were trying to coach me through contraction breathing and I was asking where the Dr was cuz I knew things were happening faster than Pat and the nurse realized. I kept saying we needed the Dr in there and they kept telling me he was right outside the door. I turned on my side to try and lessen back labor, but she was already coming. I had just been at a 8 and half but no one realized how fast she was coming and that my body was already pushing. I knew right away I needed to get back off my side and she was coming. But they were trying to wait til after a contraction to help me turn. I screamed she was coming and said I needed to change position but they were waiting til after the contraction they thought, but she was already crowning. I felt her turn like right as she was coming and Pat finally saw she was and they got the Dr in and he basically helped get her shoulders and the rest of her and the placenta out. Finally! It was a miracle i didn't tear with how fast she came. I delivered teh placenta which seemed harder than with the other 2 for some reason. Then I snuggled our sweet baby girl. SHE. Was. Here! yay! It took me forever to kind of relax. I always shake and shiver so bad after labor and all the warm blankets they get are so amazing. Sienna cried for only like 30 seconds and then was incredibly calm. She didn't even cry when they weighed and measured her. She has been the calmest happiest baby ever. Even the nurses commented on how calm and happy she is.
She was 7lbs 10 oz and 20 and a half inches long and had cute fluffy dark hair just like her siblings. She looks a lot like Brylianna but still has a little bit of just her in there too. She is adorable.
We got up to our room ( N324) and got settled and ordered some food. Best meal ever is after labor and delivery.
During the first night baby wasn't really eating good and kept spitting up gunk. So the nice nurse helped me to decide to get her stomach pumped and they got 12ml of gunk out of her and she ate much better after that. She got the hiccups a lot which were so cute and her newborn cry is adorable. Also my sweet parents got me the most beautiful flowers and sent them to our room they were so beautiful. Sienna sneezed a lot after they came though lol. She is so snuggly and sweet.
Pat was taking her for a walk in the hallway and accidentally set off an alarm because he went to close to a window.
It was really peaceful in the hospital and without tons of visitors in the hallways etc. It's kinda nice. We love you so much baby girl and I can't wait to take you home to meet your brother and sister.