39 weeks and 1 day and getting anxious over here.
Still feeling good. Having lots of Braxton Hicks in the evenings. As of my appointment last week I was dilated to a 1 and 50% effaced.
Still have good energy most days. Waking up twice a night to pee lol. But Pat has been sweet and letting me sleep in in the mornings. Love him so much!
Still going on evening walks in the driveway and working out most days.
We went swimming yesterday and it was wonderful! We love the Kanab pool. Corbin likes the lazy river and Brylianna likes the slides.
It is soooo hot here. High ninety's this week and St George is crazy up to like 112° , I go in there for all my appointments and it is so hot especially wearing a face mask and 9 months pregnant. We have been getting Walmart pickup grocery orders every time I go in and that has been nice.
Elise and Paige visited last week and that was a lot of fun. We went and watched the sunsets at the dunes and went to Peekaboo canyon in spite of the bumpy drive! It rained for a bit twice which hasn't happened in months! It was so good to see them. Paige brought baby Jameson. Jameson is a cutie with his long fluffy blonde hair.
We are going to church once a month and wearing masks and just sacrament meeting with one speaker. And doing home church other weeks.
I started making baby mobiles and paintings and started an Etsy page to see if I can sell some. It is fun to have a creative productive outlet.
Brylianna has a pen pal Elora who writes often and send each other stuff it is cute.
Brylianna starts online preschool in a couple weeks with Upstart.
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