The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Week 16

Week 16

Week 16 I realize I have unfairly been wearing blue in a lot of my baby bump pictures so I will try to wear more gender neutral colors or pink for my next set of baby bump pictures if I remember, I just take them on random days when I remember so we will see!
Weight gain: 15  pounds I lost half a pound. I I think it is because Pat and I went on a hike the other day though.
Maternity clothes: Pat's sister Kim lended me some of her maternity clothes to use and I am super grateful and am loving them! Including the pants in this picture. They are all super comfortable and life savers and money savers, Thanks Kim! :) 
Stretch Marks: None so far.
Sleep: Still sleeping pretty good I hope it continues! Although I should make it a habit to start going to bed earlier, I have been staying up later than I should, as I write this at 12:30 at night ha ha
Food Cravings: I am loving all types of potatoes right now. Mashed, baked, fries, sweet potato, sweet potato fries. They always taste good so far this pregnancy.
Anything making you queasy or sick?: Nothing particular that I can think of this week
Gender: Can't wait to find out, I still haven't really had a distinct feeling either way.
Best moment this week: This week was a pretty good week Pat and I got to go on a fun date and we got to go to our ward temple night. They were both great :) 
Started to show yet? Oh yes I think for sure. I think I am in that stage now where people can't tell if I am pregnant or just getting a little fat ha ha 
Happy or Moody most of the time: I am going to remember it says MOST of the time and say Happy :)
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender of baby! We should find out in 4 weeks. 
Pat got me a treadmill! I love it :) 
It barely fits in our apartment, but I will take it.

For date night Pat and I hiked Wind caves which is 4 miles round trip. It was fun and perfect weather!! Although I definitely noticed that I got out of breath a lot faster than pre-pregnant and I had to stop and take a couple more breaks. But we did pass some people so I felt great after that lol. It was a good workout. And it just so happened to be the first day of Spring so it was fun we were outside hiking in t-shirts!

It was gorgeous

I think I am definitely looking prego in this picture

Proof I went hiking :) 

My awesome hiking buddy :) Love him!
 There was a group of people at the cave who tied a rope around the top of the cave and they were swinging out over the drop off. It looked fun, but I probably wouldn't have participated, even if I wasn't pregnant ha ha but it was entertaining to watch!

Week 15

Week 15
Week 15
Weight Gain: 15.5 pounds I sure hope you are healthy and growing baby :) 
Maternity clothes: Love them. I am trying to find ones that will work for maternity and just regular, I have found some shorts and capris that are stretchy but not maternity that I love. 
Stretch Marks: None so far. I will keep my fingers crossed
Sleep: It's getting harder and harder to sleep on my stomach but I still wake up on my stomach no matter what I have tried so far. 
Food  Cravings: Nothing in particular this week I have just still had quite an appetite and enjoyed all food I have eaten ha ha. Although it is getting hard to find lunches to take to work that aren't the same thing over and over again.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Again just strong smells.
Gender: Don't know yet but I can't wait to find out already!
Best moment this week: We had another Dr. appointment and Pat got to come to this one and we got to hear the heartbeat. Baby's heart was beating at 144bpm. Also at 15 weeks prego I am happy to say I can do 15 pushups. Real ones, not on my knees! With all this added weight to lug around. Yay! I think this will be the max though ha ha I do not expect to be able to still be able to do 20 push ups at week 20 lol.
Started to show yet?: Yep I think so! I think I started to show about 2 weeks ago, and I have a couple people tell me they can tell I have a baby bump now. 
Happy or Moody most the time? I think I have been happy most the time but I am not sure if this seems to be a pregnancy symptom but I tend to get annoyed at lots of little things that I didn't used to be annoyed about.
Looking forward to: A fun trip we have planned and spring cleaning so I can make some room for fun baby stuff in our apartment.

My sister Paige got to visit me  and we had a fun little spur of the moment girl's weekend. We went shopping and went out to eat, and played a little basketball just her and me ha ha I am not good at that to begin with but it was even more amusing being prego lol. We also went on a walk and watched chick flicks and just had fun hanging out :) 

I ate soooo much food!!!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Week 14- Second Trimester!

Week 14

Time to start a questionnaire for my weekly updates!
 At week 14 I think it totally looks like an official baby bump now and not just a food baby ha ha
 Weight gain so far: Ok it's hard for me to admit this because I have gained a lot more weight than all of the "recommended weight gain" trackers and books and even other people's blogs say you are supposed to at this point, especially for a 1st baby. And yeah there is only one baby in there. But I am one of those pregnant women who have already gained about 10 pounds at the end of the 1st trimester! Never thought I would be, but it is what it is. Everything says you gain 3-5 lbs your 1st trimester. And I have still been exercising about 3 times a week on top of working 2 jobs and walking a lot so I will just be happy that everything is going good so far and deal with the weight gain! I think it is because I haven't been horribly morning sick so I have been able to eat a lot more than a lot of other pregnant women, so I will take that as a good thing for sure!
Maternity clothes: Yes! I love them and have already bought some maternity jeans already! I think jeans are the first thing to not fit anymore. But yes I am not ashamed to say I bought some and I actually wore my maternity jeans for the first time today! Comfort is awesome and being able to breath is just great. And Motherhood Maternity gives you awesome stuff if you shop and register there! Like a ton of gift certificates and a cute little bottle!
Stretch Marks: I don't have any yet but I am pretty positive I will before this pregnancy is over. I think it is almost inevitable given that I have a super short torso and there is nowhere for baby to go but out. I should just accept this now ha ha But I think I will be okay with it. Eventually :) I did buy a big jar of coconut oil and plan to use it though so hopefully that will help when the time comes.
Sleep:  So I always sleep on my stomach and it has been getting super uncomfortable lately. I am trying to transition to my side, but I just don't sleep as well. I end up sleeping half on my stomach and half on my side and my neck hurts when I wake up. But I am just glad I can get some sleep and I have stopped having to pee twice a night which is nice.
Food Cravings: Milk, cottage cheese, ice cream, protein, and bacon ha ha
Anything make you queasy or sick? Strong smells, day old dishes, shrimp, and the hospital cafeteria when they start making lunch.
Gender: A lot of our family members feel very strongly one way or the other. I haven't had a distinct feeling either way. A lot of my symptoms make me think boy, but some days I feel like it is a girl. We will have to wait and see!
Looking forward to:  My next Dr. appointment to see how everything is going and we have a fun trip planned in April :) 

Also Pat and I had a fun date today. I was craving a burger so we walked to dinner at this cute new burger place right by campus and ate on their balcony. Then we came home and finally watched Mockingjay Part 1. 
Baby was so happy to have a burger and sweet potato fries yum!
Pat said it was too bright 
13 weeks
I am definitely starting to notice a difference
 11 weeks
This was when we had our stake activity and we had dinner by Elements and there was a dance. I figured since I was all dressed up I might as well count it as my week 11 picture and it just so happened it was the exact day I hit week 11!

This dress was super comfortable I kind of want to wear it all the time but that would probably be weird unfortunately
Yes I do still wear my Z-motion dance outfits ha ha thank you highschool ballroom dance team!
This is what happens when they have photo props and your husband is still like a foot taller than you, even when you are wearing heels ha ha Love it!

But he was nice and came down to my level. How sweet
After the dance Pat and I went to Tooele and stayed the weekend because that Saturday was Valentines and we told our parents on Valentines day. It was fun. We had fun with Pat's family bowling for his dad and Kim's combined bday party and we gave Pat's dad a fun grandpa t-shirt.

We told my parents by making this awesome homemade card with grandma and grandpa t-shirts and they read it right before breakfast on Valentines day :) They are so happy to be grandparents :)

Sorry mom and dad I have to document these cute photos of you guys reading the card :)

And cute Paige was excited to be an Aunt and already bought baby a teddy bear. It is super soft and cuddly too. Thanks Aunt Paige :) 

Since Pat was watching a movie on the floor I let him have a turn with teddy too ha ha 
Pat was practicing his tucking into bed skills lol I just walked into our bedroom one day and saw this