The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Candy barrels, Ferris wheels, and food

We went on a fun family outing Winco and let Brylianna and her Thomas cousins pick out candy from all the candy barrels they have there and we went to Scheels. Hey it is a fun cheap, winter outing! Brylianna got to go on her first Ferris Wheel ride too ( Even though she was barely too short for the 36 inch heigth requirement) and Pat was sweet and held Corbin so that I could go with her her first time. We went with Pat's parents, Kim and her family and Paige and Jamie met us there too. I love being close to family and being able to do fun things and make fun memories with them. We also got spoiled and went out to Chuck a rama afterwards. It was a fun day filled with candy, fun, and memories. :) 
Our car was full and Brylianna loved it so mcuh

Like kids in a candy store 

I love Brylianna's face in this one

Waiting in line

My sweet boys

Cute babie foxes

I want this for my birthday haha

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