Sienna almost 8 months.
Has to hold my hand while she nurses. Also flails and kicks and tries to grab my phone.
Loves baby food time in her high chair. Is still THE sweetest smileiest happy little girl. Sometimes likes to see how loud she can make noise while sitting in her high chair or whenever I'm not holding her. Corbin is so good to always be sweet to Sienna and will tell her cute things and hug and kiss her and give her blankets and toys.
Brylianna is getting good at holding Sienna on the couch and holds her everytime I vacuum. She is such a good helper.
Does good in the car. Loves giggling at her siblings and smiling. Takes a morning power nap and a longer afternoon nap in the swing in her and Brylianna's room. Sleeps at night by us in a pack n play. Wakes up anywhere from 1-3 times a night . She's getting better at sleeping at night.
Loves music.
Whenever I walk in her and Brylianna's room for nap I turn on the sound machine swaddle her and start singing and she is out in under 5 min usually, little angel.
Can almost sit up by herself. Not quite. And is working on crawling. Can roll to wherever she wants. Pushups up on hands and knees and rocks.
Loves being outside or when I hold her on the glider. Has gone on quite a few adventures/ hikes. Loves the feel of sand in her hands. Has gone to St George and has hike sand caves, peekaboo canyon, dinosaur tracks, and the sand dunes. Cries when mommy or daddy walks by her without picking her up. Starting to babble and say Mama. Starting to get up on hands and knees and rock back and forth. Rolls wherever she wants to go for the most part.
I have to tickle your foot to get you to bed your leg to get you dressed 😂 you do not want to bend your left leg when I'm trying to change or dress you. You also try to grab your diaper every time I change you too.
Gives super cute giggles and smiles and big eyes. Loves staring at Daddy. Almost says Mamamama
Kinda signed "more" the other day.
SUCH a good little baby love angel sweetheart. We love you sweet Sienna.
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