The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Spring 2020

This spring has been different with Corona virus stuff. We have been having fun going on hikes and enjoying the warmer weather and playing outside. 

Treadmill walks at night keep me sane lately  

Brylianna having a meltdown the other day cuz she didn't want to grow up and would miss me. She is such a sweetheart 

 Someone was so sweet and gave me some Clorox wipes cuz I mentioned I didn't have any. These are sold out in stores right now. That was so nice of them!

 We have been doing home church! We miss church but not the 8:30am time it was at

 Drove into town for take out and a outdoor picnic to get out of the house

 Wherever I sit this sweetie finds me and clims on my lap no matter what

 We've taken many walks to our little tree

 Watching the broadcast only Bicentennial conference. They released a new Proclamation and had two youth speakers.

 The Hosannah shout on conference Sunday. We andaand singing the Spirit of  God. We also forhad a special fast for the Corona virus on Good Friday.
 Easter dresses form Pat

Baby Buhr #3

We found out baby Buhr #3 's gender Match 18th. I went to my ultrasound appointment alone because of virus stuff right now children are not permitted so Pat had to stay with the kids.
But I had the Dr write the gender in an envelope so it was still fun to find out together!
Baby is a girl!
Brylianna is so excited! We all are. Corbin did say sadly Aw I wanted it to be a boy a couple times. But he loves babies so I'm sure he'll be just fine. Cuties. Can't wait to meet baby girl. Everything looked good and healthy at the ultrasound.
 Brylianna said about the ultrasound that she could tell it was a baby girl cuz it has a bow 😍 it was so cute.
She has been sleeping on the floor of her bedroom for several nights by choice now silly girl. She is getting so big and so smart

Of course I had to make a cake to celebrate! 

Otter Creek Cabin March 22 and 23

In March before Corona virus stuff got crazy we went to the cutest cabin in Otter Creek state park. It was brand new and we were demo-ing it for them lol. 
It was right by the water and adorable. The kids loved it. And loves the bunk bed and futon and throwing rocks in the water and running around. The mattress I slept on was amazingly comfortable for some reason! 
We walked around and explored and they even had a microwave in the cabin so that felt delux lol. I made Mac n cheese in it for dinner and we brought some white chicken chili too. We had a fire and did hot chocolate. Then we watched a movie ( Bolt  on our little portable DVD player. Then we went to bed. Corbin got the futon and we had to remind him to get back into bed about 6 times, he kept trying to sneak over to the DVD player 😂 Brylianna loved sleeping on the top bunk and fell asleep pretty fast. 
In the morning it was cloudy and started snowing! Pat made us pancakes on the camo chef and they were delicious! Corbin sat and watched fishermen on the water. 
Corbin sitting by the lake
Kept saying Mommy I wish we had a boat. 
I said Grandpa Hollien has a boat.
He said We should borrow his boat mommy! 
He was so cute. 
It as a cute little place and it was nice to have a change of scenery and get out of routine a bit ❤️

I sure love snuggling my babies! ❤️