The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Baby Buhr #3

We found out baby Buhr #3 's gender Match 18th. I went to my ultrasound appointment alone because of virus stuff right now children are not permitted so Pat had to stay with the kids.
But I had the Dr write the gender in an envelope so it was still fun to find out together!
Baby is a girl!
Brylianna is so excited! We all are. Corbin did say sadly Aw I wanted it to be a boy a couple times. But he loves babies so I'm sure he'll be just fine. Cuties. Can't wait to meet baby girl. Everything looked good and healthy at the ultrasound.
 Brylianna said about the ultrasound that she could tell it was a baby girl cuz it has a bow 😍 it was so cute.
She has been sleeping on the floor of her bedroom for several nights by choice now silly girl. She is getting so big and so smart

Of course I had to make a cake to celebrate! 

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