20 weeks pregnant
I'm feeling pretty good most the time. Still tired. For some reason I'm waking up at 5 or 6 every morning and can't go back to sleep.
Weight gain about 18, 19 pounds.
Still working out most days. Can still do 5 pushups on toes 🙂
Craving all the sweets and baked goods. Cookies. Chocolate a lot! Cake. Biscuits. And ice cream and cold stuff. Cold milk always is amazing. Also still lots of fruit.
It's getting harder to carry and hold and pick up sweet Corbin. The kids complain when sitting on my lap that my lap is disappearing but still love to snuggle and read books.
We got to go to Otter Creek state park for one night. They built a new cabin there that no one has stayed in before so we got to stay in it and review it and see it and it was adorable! We loved it and had so much fun. Brylianna loved the bunk bed and sleeping on the top bunk, and throwing rocks in the water. Corbin loved throwing rocks in the water too and loved watching all the boats on the water too. He slept on the futon and the bottom bunk was super comfy I loved it! I made Mac and cheese ( they ended up having a microwave) and we had some white chicken chili and I made us some hot chocolate. We watched a movie snuggled in the cabin together and then went to bed.
We had to remind Corbin several different times to get back in bed 😂 but he did pretty good.
It was pretty cold outside by the water, but we snuggled, and had a fire and stayed warm and had fun! It's so nice to get away for a bit and get out of routine and build memories with the kiddos.
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