The Buhr Family

The Buhr Family

Friday, May 15, 2015

24 Weeks

24 Weeks

 Weight Gain: Belly bump keeps getting bigger! We have reached 25 pounds. I've said this before and I will say it again, but I don't know how my stomach can keep growing, it already feels huge lol. It really is crazy to watch yourself change and grow so much. There is so much going on in there it really is a miracle and I am so grateful that there is a little life growing inside of me, it is just amazing.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Just if I wait too long too eat. And I took my glucose test thing this week and it was pretty sugary and made my stomach unsettled for like the rest of the day. And it made baby girl super active, I think we both had a sugar high followed by a sugar crash ha ha The taste actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but it did kinda burn my throat a little bit going down, and is not my preferred choice of what to have for breakfast.
Maternity clothes: I am finding stuff that works that isn't maternity just comfy, Kohl's has some good things and I can usually find stuff there.
Sleep: Still sleeping alright, I randomly woke up the other night at like 6 in the morning and couldn't go back to sleep for a couple of hours though.
Exercise: Still walking lots. I usually try to do half an hour of walking or more everyday and then a toning workout on most days of the week. I actually just worked out right before I got on the computer. I do need to take more frequent breaks in between reps and sets and stuff like that I am definitely noticing. I like working out because I have more energy for the day and it usually really helps me drink more water throughout the workout and rest of the day.
Best moment of the week: Mine and Pat's 5 year Anniversary!!! I will probably write a whole blog post on that :)

I love my treadmill. It makes cardio so easy! I can't believe people who have a treadmill but don't really use it, I hope that doesn't become me in several years. I love my treadmill and we have been spending lots of quality time together lately  

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